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功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology

功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology

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功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510094125
  • 条形码:9787510094125 ; 978-7-5100-9412-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology 内容简介


功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology 目录

1. Functional Opposition in Jakobsonian Phonology
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Theoretical hypothesis and research questions
1.3 Research methodology and the structure of this book
1.4 Primary and secondary sources of this study
1.4.1 Primary sources
1.4.2 Secondary sources
1.4.3 Languages of Jakobson's text

2. Before Jakobson's Phoneme: The Linguistic and Extralinguistic Prelude in the Moscow Years
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Lazarev linguistic and philological traditions
2.3 Artistic innovations
2.4 Xlebnikov and the contrastive pairs
2.5 The roots of Jakobson's linguistic thoughts

3. Functional Opposition, Phoneme and Phonology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Jakobsonian phonology and its social background
3.2.1 The Prague and Brno vears
3.2.2 The Nordic years
3.2.3 The American years
3.3 Jakobson's earliest attempts at the phonetics-phonology distinction
3.4 The context of the phoneme: Phonology the name vs. phonology the essence
3.4.1 Jakobson's phonology: The Saussurian label of the science
3.4.2 Jakobson's phonology: The Kazan label of the science
3.5 Jakobson's phonology: Standardization and practice
3.6 Functionalism and phoneme
3.7 Jakobson's earliest use of the term phoneme
3.8 Sources of the term phoneme
3.8.1 Phoneme in the pre-structuralist texts
3.8.2 Phoneme: Influence from the Kazan School
3.8.3 The controversy of Saussure's Phoneme
3.9 Definitions and characteristics of Jakobson's phoneme
3.9.1 Jakobson's phoneme (1929-1932)
3.9.2 Jakobson's phoneme (1939-1942)
3.10 Summary

4. The Abstraction of Phoneme: Correlation and Archiphoneme
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The source of phonological correlation disjunction
4.3 Archiphoneme: An attempt at the unit above the phoneme
4.3.1 Jakobson's earliest attempt at archiphoneme
4.3.2 Common core of correlative phonemes:A possible psycholog interpretation
4.3.3 A comparison to Bloomfield's archiphoneme
4.3.4 A functional analysis of archiphoneme
4.3.5 From above the phoneme to below the phoneme
4.4 Between the phonemes: Phoneme combination rules
4.4.1 General laws that govern the correlations
4.4.2 Phonemic combination rules for a specific language
4.4.3 The possibility of general laws of phonemic combinations
4.5 Summary

5. Below the Phoneme: The Structure of the Phoneme and the Quest for the Distinctive Features
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Jakobson's earliest attempts at the distinctive features
5.3 The source of the English term "distinctive feature"
5.3.1 The terms "distinctive" and "feature" mentioned by Sapir
5.3.2 Bloomfield's distinctive feature
5.3.3 The denial of the linguistic importance of"feature" in Grundziige
5.4 The necessity of sub-phonemic entities
5.4.1 Sub-phonemic entities and the economy in phonologic analysis
5.4.2 The problem of correlation in phonemic oppositions
5.5 The earliest distinctive features
5.5.1 Acute vs. grave
5.5.2 Posterior vs. anterior
5.5.3 Strident vs. mellow
5.5.4 Other types of oppositions

6. Coda: Functional Opposition in the Key Issues of Distinctive Features
6.1 Introduction
6.2 A different approach: Hockett's approximations to sub-phoncnic entities
6.3 Functionalism and the axis of simultaneity
6.4 The binary issue
6.5 The quest for the appropriate numbers of distinctive features
6.6 Summary

功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology 节选

  《功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探》:  Although Baudouin de Courtenay had used the term phonology ina way somewhat different from what Jakobson later defined, he yet hadargued for the distinction between two highly different sorts of studieson speech sound in terms of their natures and scopes. This fact madeBaudouin de Courtenay's theory an important phase of the "pre-history"of phonology before Trubetzkoy's Grundziige der Phonologie.  In Baudouin's days, phonology in its contemporary sense had not yetbeen established. Yet, phonology as a term had already been put to use.Naturally, this term must have been used in a different way from what oneis nowadays familiar with. To analyze how closely these "old" versions of"phonology" approximated the "standardized" definition, one must findout the following questions in each interpretation:  What role does the study of speech sound play in the study oflanguage?  What is the difference between phonology and the more establishedphonetics?  Jakobson (1929b) noted that the phonetics-phonology distinctionbased on a functional principle had already existed in Baudouin's 1870inaugural lecture at St. Petersburg University:  Das funktionale Anpacken der Sprachfakten charakterisiert bereitsdie Inaugurationsvorlesung Baudouins von 1870 an der PetersburgerUniversit.  ……

功能对立与雅柯布森的音位:雅柯布森音系学初探:an attempt at Jakobsonian phonology 作者简介

