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开本: 26cm 页数: 347


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英语演讲与辩论 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561245323
  • 条形码:9787561245323 ; 978-7-5612-4532-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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英语演讲与辩论 本书特色


英语演讲与辩论 内容简介

王倩主编的《英语演讲与辩论》目的在于提高学习者英语演讲和辩论的语言能力和参赛技巧,培养学习者的创新能力、英语思辨能力和表达能力。本书**章至第七章主要系统讲解英语演讲知识,第八章至第十章对英国议会制辩论赛制做了详尽的介绍。本书突出“英语语言知识+演讲技巧理解+思辨能力培养+实践演练操作”的培养模式,集“听、说、读、写、视、辩之大成”。 本书可以作为英语专业或者非英语专业本科生或研究生选修课教材,也可以供社会上有意提高自身演讲与辩论水平的人士使用。

英语演讲与辩论 目录

Chapter One Understanding Public Speaking Part I Introducing Public Speaking 1.1 What is Public Speaking 1.2 Traditions of Public Speaking 1.3 Features of Public Speaking 1.4 Classification of Public Speaking 1.5 Power of Public Speaking 1.6 What Makes an Effective Speaking 1.7 Dealing With Stage Fright --“Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself” Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ ExercisesChapter Two Speech Preparation:Getting Started Part Ⅰ Begin Your Speech Preparatory Work 2.1 Choose Your Topic 2.2 Analyze Your Audience 2.3 Research Your Topic 2.4 Avoid Plagiarism Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ ExercisesChapter Three Speech Preparation:Organizing and Outlining Part Ⅰ How to Prepare for Organization and Outline 3.1 Organize the Speech 3.2 The Three Major Parts of a Speech 3.3 Determine Your Main Points 3.4 Organize Your Main Points 3.5 Connect the Main Points 3.6 Use Connectives ~ 3.7 Outline Your Speech 3.8 Types of Outlines Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ ExercisesChapter Four Beginning and Ending of Speech Part Ⅰ How to Begin and End Your Speech 4.1 Beginning Your Speech 4.2 Ending Your Speech Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ ExercisesChapter Five Use of Language Part Ⅰ How to Use Language in Your Speech 5.1 The Power of Language 5.2 Spoken and Written Language 5.3 Meaning of Words 5.4 Guidelines for Using Effective Language in Speech Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ ExercisesChapter Six Delivery Part Ⅰ How to Present Your Speech 6.1 Modes of Delivery 6.2 Delivering a Speech Effectively 6.3 Practicing Your Speech 6.4 Question-and-Answer Sessions Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ Suggested Readings Part Ⅳ Exercises ,Chapter Seven Major Types of Speech Part Ⅰ Informative Speech and Persuasive Speech 7.1 Informative Speech 7.2 Persuasive Speech 7.3 Speaking on Special Occasions Part Ⅱ Sample Speech Part Ⅲ ExercisesChapter Eight Debate: Some Basics Part Ⅰ Fundamental Issues on Debating 8.1 What is Debate 8.2 Why and What of Debate 8.3 The Great Tradition 8.4 The Benefits of Debate 8.5 Debate Format 8.6 Some Concepts in Debating "" Part Ⅱ English Debate Competition: Case Study Part Ⅲ Try It OutChapter Nine Parliamentary Debating Part Ⅰ Introduction to Parliamentary Debating 9.1 Some Basics About Parliamentary Debating Part Ⅱ Case Study Part Ⅲ Try It OutChapter Ten Cross-Examination Debating Part Ⅰ Introduction to Cross-Examination Debating 10.1 What is Cross-Examination and Cross-Examination Debate .-, 10.2 Purposes of Cross-Examination 10.3 Key Concepts in Cross-Examination Debate 10.4 Constructing the Affirmative Case 10.5 The Negative Constructives 10.6 Speaker Responsibilities 10.7 Guidelines for Questioners and Respondents 10.8 Common Problems in Cross-Examination Part Ⅱ Try It OutReference Answers to Some Questions in the TextbookBibiography