西洋镜第三十三辑 :中华考古图志
西洋镜:第二十三辑 五脊六兽
尘封往事 版权信息
- ISBN:9787313136886
- 条形码:9787313136886 ; 978-7-313-13688-6
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
尘封往事 本书特色
尘封往事 内容简介
本书通过二战时期上海主流报纸《申报》、《黄报》、《四友月刊》、《号角》、《民意周刊》等, 还包括犹太人自己办的《犹太早报》, 以及欧洲的“黄包车”网站回忆录和纪念馆的《犹太人的日记》, 通过截取不同时期的报道, 叙述了媒体关注犹太难民什么, 犹太难民又在关注什么,
尘封往事 目录
contents 七十年前旧上海 犹太报纸登些啥 . 001 what appeared on the jewish newspapers in shanghai 70 years ago 旧闻三篇录世实 犹太难民显精神 . 015 three old pieces of news recorded the truth, and jewish refugees showed their spirit 生存艰难志不移 “重回祖国”藏心底 . 036 survived the hard times telling stories of back-to-motherland dreams 失国民族黄连苦 沪上媒体齐声援 . 051 shanghai media jointly supported the nation suffering from the pain of defeat 纪念品留下战争回忆 火柴盒记载日军野心 . 062 the souvenirs keep the war memories while the matchboxes record the ambitions of the japanese invaders 犹太孩子忆童年 香烟壳子难忘怀 . 068 the unforgettable cigarette pack in the childhood of jewish children 隔都的文具 你可还记得 . 076 do you still remember the stationery in the ghetto 聚居区群星闪耀 音乐会抚平伤痕 . 084 star-studded concert soothed the broken hearts 护照承载逃亡岁月 七十年后失而复得 . 095 passport recording the exile days regained after 70 years “信使”关注新论 “时代”传播要闻 . 104 the messenger focused on new theories and the times communicated important news 犹太青年戴斯君 环球骑车战火中 . 112 the jewish youth deiss cycled globally in the war 捐建犹童学校 惜因战事关闭 . 116 established by donation, the jewish school pitifully closed in war 犹太国队虽输球 无国有队喜欲狂 . 120 lost in the match, jews celebrated joyously for having a national team before establishing the state 寻找童年小伙伴 重洋难隔儿时情 . 124 search for childhood companions―old memories could never be severed by a distance of oceans apart 犹太商人落难 变卖家当求存 . 133 caught up in calamity, jewish businessman sold out all properties for survival 我家三件传家宝 陪伴全家过难关 . 137 my family’s three heirlooms accompanied the whole family through hard times 禁谈逃亡经历 努力找活谋生 . 141 never talk about escaping, try to make a living 三条大街留难民 五百行业谋生计 . 145 make a living in 500 trades and seek shelter on three streets 木偶戏抒发乡愁 经典剧好评如潮 . 149 classics of nostalgia-rich puppet plays obtained raves 刻骨铭心小街景 握手鞠躬芭蕉扇 . 153 unforgettable street scenes: handshakes, bows and palm-leaf fans 犹太难民在上海 《申报》记录全过程 . 158 stories of the jewish refugees in shanghai completely recorded by shun pao 走过磨合期融入上海 欲组犹太军共斗纳粹 . 168 assimilate into shanghai through the run-in period with an attempt to organize an jewish army against nazism 逃出集中营 又进隔离区 . 178 escape from the concentration camp but to be forced into the ghetto 春节平静刚过 隔都囚禁难民 . 185 a peaceful spring festival followed by refugee imprisonment in the ghetto 捐赠合屋漫画 永记日寇蛮横 . 191 never forget the outrageousness of japanese invaders 战后难民寻方向 媒体说美谈欧洲 . 203 media discussion about the us and europe provided guidance for refugees after war
尘封往事 作者简介
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