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郑时龄文集 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568007764
  • 条形码:9787568007764 ; 978-7-5680-0776-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

郑时龄文集 本书特色


郑时龄文集 内容简介


郑时龄文集 目录

目?录 contents编者序言 preface of the editor作者自序 preface of the author**篇? 建筑理论与建筑批评? chapter 1 architectural theory and architectural criticism1-1? 工业建筑与灵活性?industrial architecture and flexibility1-2? 建筑象征的符号学意义?semiotic meaning of architectural symbol1-3? 工业建筑的发展及其美学问题the development of industrial architecture and its aesthetic issues1-4? 黑川纪章的建筑哲理及其文化和哲学背景the architectural philosophy of kisho kurokawa and its cultural and philosophical backgrounds1-5? 全球化影响下的中国城市与建筑?cities and architecture in china under the influence of globalization1-6? 全球化影响下中国建筑的实验性问题the experimental problems of chinese architecture under the influence of globalization1-7? 延续城市空间,融入城市历史——当代中国建筑的传统趋向探索?continuation of urban space, integration into urban history——the exploration towards traditional trend in contemporary chinese architecture1-8? 转型中的中国当代城市与建筑?cities and architecture in transition in contemporary china1-9? 建筑批评与艺术批评的同一性和差异性?similarities and differences between architectural criticism and art criticism1-10? 当代建筑批评的转型——关于建筑批评的读书笔记the transformation of contemporary architectural criticism——reading notes about architectural criticism1-11 建筑空间的场所体验field experience of architectural space1-12 建筑的物质性和精神性materiality and consciousness of architecture1-13? 建筑的雕塑性与雕塑的建筑性sculptural architecture and architectural sculpture1-14? 同济学派的现代建筑意识?modern architectural consciousness of tongji school第二篇? 上海的城市与建筑?chapter 2 cities and architecture in shanghai2-1? 当代上海住宅的发展特点及新模式探索the development characteristics of contemporary residence in shanghai and its exploration of new pattern2-2? 建设和谐、可持续发展的城市空间——论上海的城市空间规划? the construction of harmonious and sustainable urban space – discussions on urban space planning in shanghai 2-3? 营造 21 世纪的城市空间?the construction of urban space in the 21st century2-4? 创造严谨而又丰富生动的学习空间——格致中学教学楼和复兴高级中学建筑设计?creating a rigorous and vivid learning space -- teaching buildings of gezhi middle school and architectural designs of fuxing senior high school2-5? 上海的新经典建筑评述commentary on new classical architecture in shanghai2-6? 探求城市文化精神的步行街?a pedestrian street that explores the spirit of urban culture 2-7? 上海优秀近代建筑保护的意义——《回眸——上海优秀近代保护建筑》引言?the meaning for protection of outstanding modern buildings in shanghai——the introduction of looking back: the excellent neoteric protect buildings in shanghai2-8? 上海城市空间环境的当代发展(摘)?the contemporary development of urban space environment in shanghai (extract)2-9? 上海的发展与世界城市?the development of shanghai and the world city2-10? 理性地规划和建设理想城市rational planning and construction of ideal cities2-11? 泰康路是上海发展知识经济和城市文化风貌保护的一个新模式?taikang road is a new pattern for shanghai to develop knowledge economy and to protect urban cultural landscape 2-12? 《上海城市规划管理与实践》序the preface of urban planning management and practice in shanghai2-13? 建设让城市和生活更美好的千年上海the construction of millennium shanghai to make a better city and life 2-14? 完善上海可持续发展的城市综合功能基础the completion of the sustainable development of basis for urban comprehensive function in shanghai2-15 塑造优化的城市空间,提升建筑品质——上海的城市与建筑 60 年历程反思?shaping the optimized urban space, improving the building quality——a reflection on the history of city and architecture for 60 years in shanghai2-16? 转型期上海城市空间思考a study of shanghai urban space in transition2-17? 上海的建筑文化遗产保护及其反思the protection of architectural culture heritage in shanghai and its reflection 第三篇? 上海2010年世博会?chapter 3 shanghai world expo 20103-1? 2010 年中国上海世界博览会与上海?china's shanghai world expo 2010 and shanghai 3-2? 城市,让生活更美好——从 2010 年上海世博会选址看未来城市发展“better city, better life” ——observing the future urban development through the site selected in shanghai world expo 2010 3-3? 上海 2010 年世博会与未来建筑——郑时龄教授在同济的讲演(节选)?shanghai world expo 2010 and future architecture——the lecture from professor zheng shiling at tongji university (excerpt)3-4? 城市中的世博会规划和建筑world expo planning and architecture in cities3-5? 2010 年世博会与再城市化——关于上海的城市主题演绎shanghai world expo 2010 and re-urbanization – city theme development in shanghai3-6? 中国建筑的自主创新——中国建筑师应是 2010 年上海世博会建筑的主导the independent innovation of chinese architecture——chinese architects should be the leading factor of buildings of shanghai world expo 20103-7? 关于 2010 年上海世博会主题演绎的报告?a report on the theme development of shanghai world expo 20103-8? 世界博览会建筑的发展与演变the development and evolution of world expo buildings3-9? 历届世博会、展览会和国际会议涉及的城市主题?city themes involved in all previous world expos, exhibitions and international conferences3-10? 关于世博会建筑的一些感想some thoughts about world expo buildings3-11? 世博与科技world expo and technology3-12? 为美好生活,人们聚集在城市people congregating in cities for a better life 3-13? 绿色的宜居城市——世博会的启示environment-friendly cities——revelation from world expos3-14? 后世博的上海城市空间,迈向可持续发展和宜居城市shanghai urban space in post-expo era, moving towards sustainable and livable cities3-15? 2010 年上海世博会的启示revelation from shanghai world expo 20103-16? 我所参加的世博会主题演绎以及其他工作the theme development of world expo that i attended and some other works第四篇? 建筑、城市与文化?chapter 4 architecture, city and culture 4-1? 佛罗伦萨和文艺复兴?florence and the renaissance4-2 文化和古城保护——锡耶纳的经验the protection of culture and old cities——the experience of siena4-3? 从未来主义到当代理性主义——论现代意大利建筑的发展道路from futurism to contemporary rationalism——discussions on the development path of modern architecture in italy4-4? 上海与柏林──处于永恒变化中的国际城市shanghai and berlin——international cities in the ever-changing world4-5? 一个中国建筑师思想中的双城记 :汉堡与上海a tale of two cities in the mind of a chinese architect: hamburg and shanghai4-6? 一个中国建筑师心目中的双城记 :巴黎和上海a tale of two cities in the eyes of a chinese architect: paris and shanghai4-7? 城市文化与建筑?urban culture and architecture4-8? 反思中国当代造型艺术与文化价值a reflection on plastic arts and cultural value in contemporary china4-9? 一代宗师冯纪忠先生的风范与境界the demeanor and realm of grandmaster mr. feng jizhong 4-10? 解读詹姆斯?沃菲尔德的探索者道路the explanation of path exploration of james warfield 4-11? 西班牙当代建筑的多元化及其实验性与先锋性the diversification of contemporary architecture in spain and its experimental and vanguard characteristics4-12? 当代台湾建筑和建筑师contemporary architecture and architects in taiwan4-13? 挪威的浪漫理性主义建筑romantic rationalism buildings in norway4-14? 未来大都市的生活质量the quality of life of metropolis in the future4-15? 街区空间品质与现代化——“新世界,新街区”城市街区国际设计竞赛评审有感street space quality and modernization——some thoughts on the review of the international design competition of city blocks whose theme was “new world, new block”4-16? 赞叹奥运建筑?praise for the olympic architecture第五篇? 回忆?chapter 5 reminiscence5-1? 回忆在二院的工作与生活(1965—1978)?memories of work and life in the second design and research institute of machine-building ministry (1965—1978)5-2? 我的建筑史学习经历?my learning experience of architectural history5-3? 一个复兴人的大半辈子the greater part of a fuxing man’s life5-4? 郑时龄的6份菜单six menus of mr. zheng shiling

郑时龄文集 作者简介

