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学前教育专业英语 版权信息

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学前教育专业英语 内容简介


学前教育专业英语 目录

Unit 1 Where Young Children Learn Reading Ⅰ Different Early Childhood Education (ECE) Programs in the United States Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise. Content Questions Part Ⅱ Lalaguage Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Choices in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in New ZealandUnit 2 Important Figures in ECE History Reading Ⅰ From Comenius to Gardner Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise. Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅲ In memoriam, David P. Weikart. 1931- 2003Unit 3 Children's Rights Reading Ⅰ Understanding the Convention on the Rights of the Child Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise. Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ How Does a Ball Help Change the Lives of Children Unit 4 Development and Learning in Early Years Reading Ⅰ Principles of Child Development and Learning that Inform Practice Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Early Childhood Development: Why Is It Important Unit 5 Supportive and Enabling Environment Reading Ⅰ Arranging the Active Learning Environment Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Key Aesthetic Considerations for an Early Childhood EnvironmentUnit 6 The Values of Play Reading Ⅰ The Definition of Play Gives Insights Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Play and the Child's Sense of SelfUnit 7 National Curriculum Guidelines Reading Ⅰ National Curriculum Guidelines in Finland, England, and New Zealand Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Question Reading Ⅱ The Early Learning Goals in EYFSUnit 8 Effective Practice for Quality Improving Reading Ⅰ Improving Program Quality Through Effective Practice Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Planning for Positive Guidance: Powerful Interactions Make a DifferenceUnit 9 Assessment and Evaluation Reading Ⅰ The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Assessment Policy in EnglandUnit 10 Being an ECE Professional Reading Ⅰ The Knowledge Base and Ethical Commitment of ECE Professionals Part Ⅰ Comprehensive Exercise: Content Questions Part Ⅱ Language Drills Part Ⅲ Extended Questions Reading Ⅱ Teacher-As-ResearcherAppendix 1 Keys for Language DrillsAppendix 2 Glossary

学前教育专业英语 作者简介

李敏,是省级精品课程《学前教育科学研究方法》和校级精品课程《学前教育学》的主讲教师之一,曾获校级教学成果一等奖一项(排名第四)。先后发表论文12篇(其中发表于核心刊物5篇,《人大复印资料》收录1篇),并参与四川省哲学社会科学十一五规划课题《进城农民工子女学前教育问题研究》等多项课题。2009年6月受学校委派前往新西兰交流学习。 2010年9月起,根据学院安排,负责学前教育系工作。
