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Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency

Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency

开本: 16开 页数: 287页
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Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030455895
  • 条形码:9787030455895 ; 978-7-03-045589-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency 本书特色

  目前我国是化肥施用量*多的国家,施用量占全球的30%,但养分利用率却越来越低,不但导致资源与能源的浪费,而且也导致生态环境的恶化。zhou jianmin、du changwen、wang huoyan编*的《principle and practice in enhancing nutrient use efficiency》围绕养分的高效利用,从肥料、植物和土壤三个方面论述养分高效利用的原理和可能途径,为农业可持续生产提供指导和技术支撑。

Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency 内容简介


Principle and Practice in Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency 目录

prefaceintroduction1 theoretical basis and production technology of functional fertilizer 1.1 characterization of nutrient release from polymer coated controlled release fertilizer 1.2 enhancement of phosphorus solubility by humic substances in ferrosols 1.3 evaluation of water-borne coating for controlled release fertilizer using wurster fluidized bed 1.4 aqueous polyacrylate/poly (silicone-co-acrylate) emulsions-coated fertilizers for slow nutrient release application 1.5 biodegradation of a biochar-modified water-bome polyacrylate membrane coating for controlled release fertilizer and its effects on soil bacterial community profiles2 evolution pathway and evaluation methods of soil fertility 2.1 plants use alternative strategies to utilize nonexchangeable potassium in minerals 2.2 nutrient budget and soil nutrient status in greenhouse system 2.3 potassium movement and transformation in an acid soil as affected by phosphorus 2.4 potash application patterns and soil potash fertility change 2.5 identification of reaction products of phosphate fertilizers with soil using chemical and ftir-pas methods 2.6 influence of humic acid on interaction of ammonium and potassium ions on clay minerals 2.7 minimum data set for assessing soil quality in farmland of northeast china 2.8 contributions of greenhouse soil nutrients accumulation to the formation of the secondary salinization3 nutrient migration and cycling in environment 3.1 phosphorus fractions in sediment profiles and their potential contributions to eutrophication in dianchi lake 3.2 removal of phosphate fi'om aqueous solution by thermally activated palygorskite 3.3 short-term effects of copper, cadmium and cypermethrin on dehydrogenase activity and microbial functional diversity in soils after long-term fertilization 3.4 index models to evaluate the potential metal pollution contribution from washoff of road-deposited sediment 3.5 phosphorus mobility in soil column experiment with manure application 3.6 rapid determination of isotope labeled nitrate using fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy4 nutrition diagnosis and quality control of crops 4.1 effects of different nitrogen forms on the growth and cytokinin content in xylem sap of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) seedlings 4.2 effects of n fertilizer application time on dry matter accumulation and yield of chinese potato 4.3 fertilization and catch crop strategies for improving tomato production in north china 4.4 weed community composition after 26 years of fertilization of late rice 4.5 risk assessment of potentially toxic element pollution in soils and rice (oryza sativa) in a typical area of the yangtze river delta 4.6 lntraspecific variation in potassium uptake and utilization among sweet potato (ipomoea batatas l.) genotypes 4.7 use of ftir-pas combined with chemometrics to quantify nutritional information in rapeseeds (brassica napus)