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混凝土结构基本原理-(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787112181827
  • 条形码:9787112181827 ; 978-7-112-18182-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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混凝土结构基本原理-(英文版) 本书特色


混凝土结构基本原理-(英文版) 内容简介


混凝土结构基本原理-(英文版) 目录

chapter 1 introduction  1.1 fundamental concepts of reinforced concrete structures  1.2 historical development of concrete structures  1.3 special features of the bookchapter 2 mechanical properties of reinforced concrete materials  2.1 steel reinforcement  2.2 concrete  2.3bond between concrete and reinforcementchapter 3 basic principles for the design of reinforced concrete structures  3.1 introduction to the limit state design  3.2 analysis of structural resistance  3.3 the current practice of chinese design codeschapter 4 flexural strength of members  4.1 introduction  4.2 experimental phenomena of reinforced concrete beams under flexure  4.3 basic assumptions  4.4 the equivalent stress block 65  4.5 balanced section  4.6 analysis of a singly reinforced rectangular beam  4.7 analysis of doubly reinforced rectangular beams  4.8 analysis of t section and i section beams  4.9 detailina reauirements for sectionschapter 5 shear strength of members  5.1 introduction  5.2 the mechanism of shear resistance in reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcements  5.3 the mechanism of shear resistance in rc beams with web reinforcements  5.4 factors affected the capacity of diagonal section  5.5 strength calculation methods of members under shear  5.6 procedures of shear reinforcements design  5.7 detailing requirements for reinforcementschapter 6 torsional strength of members  6.1 introduction  6.2 the cracking torque tcr  6.3 ultimate strength of members with pure torsion  6.4 strength of members under combined torsion and shear  6.5 strength of members under combined torsion, shear and flexure  6.6 detailing requirements for members under shear and torsionchapter 7 compressive strength of members  7.1 classification and constructional requirements of compression members  7.2 strength of axially loaded members  7.3 strength of the eccentrically loaded members  7.4 biaxial eccentrically loaded members  7.5 shear strength of members under compressionchapter 8 tensile strength of members  8.1 introduction  8.2 strength of member under an axial tension  8.3 strength of member under an eccentric tension  8.4 shear strength of members under tensionchapter 9 crack and deflection control of reinforced concrete members  9.1 introduction  9.2 cracking strength of a member  9.3 control of crack width  9.4 deflection of a memberchapter 10 prestressed concrete members  10.1 basic concept of prestressing  10.2 methods of prestressing  10.3 materials of prestressed concrete  10.4 the control stress and the loss of prestress  10.5 transmission length of prestress  10.6 local bearing of concrete under anchorage  10.7 prestressed concrete axial tension members  10.8 prestressed concrete bending membersappendix