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开本: 23cm 页数: 364
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国际贸易实务:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566314024
  • 条形码:9787566314024 ; 978-7-5663-1402-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

国际贸易实务:英文版 本书特色


国际贸易实务:英文版 内容简介


国际贸易实务:英文版 目录

part 1 overview  chapter 1 introduction to international trade   1.1 why do countries trade?   1.2 howlsinternational trade measured?  chapter 2 international trade policy   2.1 import tariff   2.2 non—tariff barriers to imports   2.3 exporttaxes   2.4 export subsidies  chapter 3 trade bloc and trade block   3.1 trade bloc   3.2 tradeblock  chapter 4 wto:a navigation guide   4.1 whatls wto?   4.2 how does it work?   4.3 wto:objectives, functions and basic principles   4.4 wto agreement:a navigation guide part 2 terms of international trade  chapter 5 international trade terms   5.1 generalization   5.2 a guide to incoterms 2010   5.3 incoterms and vat   5.4 incoterms and contracts  chapter 6 terms of commodity   6.1 name of commodity   6.2 quality of commodity   6.3 quantity of commodity   6.4 packing of commodity   6.5 commodity inspection and customs formalities  chapter 7 international cargo transport   7.1 modes of transport   7.2 clause of shipment   7.3 major shipping documents  chapter 8 cargo insurance   8.1 parties to the insurance   8.2 marine insurance   8.3 insurance of land, air and postal transportation   8.4 fundamental principles of cargo insurance  chapter 9 terms of price   9.1 ptice elements   9.2 pricing methods   9.3 conversion of major trade terms   9.4 exchange cost:an evaluation tool   9.5 pricing strategies   9.6 money of account and avoidance of foreign exchange risk   9.7 use of commission and discount   9.8 clause of ptice  chapter 10 international payment and settlement   10.1 amount of payment   10.2 payment currency   10.3 credit instruments   10.4 international money transfer types   10.5 payment methods   10.6 risk level assessment of payments  chapter 11 claims, force majeure and arbitration   11.1 claims   11.2 force majeure   11.3 arbitration part 3 international trade procedure  chapter 12 launclung a profitable transaction   12.1 market research   12.2 sourcing contacts   12.3 tips for a successful negotiation  chapter 13 business negotiation and establishment of contract   13.1 enquiry   13.2 offer   13.3 counter—offer   13.4 acceptance   13.5 conclusion of contract  chapter 14 exporting elements   14.1 export strategies   14.2 export roadmap   14.3 getting paid for exports   14.4 managing risks of exporting  chapter 15 importing elements   15.1 import strategies   15.2 import roadmap   15.3 taxes and duties on imports   15.4 managing risks of importing  chapter 16 documentation   16.1 government controlled documents   16.2 commercial documents   16.3 finance documents   16.4 transportation documents   16.5 insurance documents   …… part 4 trade forms   appendix glossary of international trade terms with english—clunese   interpretations