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Arduino电路与项指南-(影印版) 版权信息

Arduino电路与项指南-(影印版) 本书特色

arduino平台的巨大成功至少存在两个原因。首 先,价廉物美且可以直接上手的处理器板大大简化了 硬件的使用。其次,免费和开源的编程套件无需任何 安装过程。简单的入门级示例确保了快速的成功。对 于诸如微处理器版本或者接口设置这样一些参数的复 杂选择过程并不是必需的。**个示例程序可以在几 分钟内被上载到ardunio单板上进行测试。   ardunio用户有着大量软件库的支持。不过,日 益增长的软件库会给新手带来一些问题,在入门级示 例之后就会存在一些不确定性。大多数例子缺少详细 描述,而描述不足的项目往往让用户*加迷惑而不是 起到锻炼的作用。同时这些项目也缺乏清晰的指导和 统一的编排,这是因为这些项目是由不同的人创建的 ,他们往往有着不同的想法。   斯潘纳编*的《arduino电路与项目指南(影印版 )(英文版)》使用了不同的方法。所有的项目都采用了 系统化的手段,引导读者进入不同的主题领域。在必 须知道的理论方面,着重关注了读者容易接受的实践 方向,包括诸如模数转换、定时器和中断这样一些基 础的编程技术,它们都被包含在一些动手操作的项目 中。本书读者可以创建指示灯、唤醒灯、具备全部功 能的电压表、**数字温度计、多种多样的时钟、反 应速度计或者鼠标控制的机械臂。在学习这些项目的 同时,读者将能够真正地理解和掌握内在的控制器技 术基础知识。

Arduino电路与项指南-(影印版) 内容简介

Arduino是一款便捷灵活、方便上手的开源电子原型平台,包含硬件(各种型号的Arduino板)和软件(Arduino IDE)。它适用于爱好者、艺术家、设计师和对于“互动”有兴趣的朋友们。Arduino,是一个基于开放原始码的软硬件平台,构建于开放原始码simple I/O介面版。

Arduino电路与项指南-(影印版) 目录

1  introduction  1.1  the arduino project  1.2  book structure and target audience2  structure and function of the hardware  2.1  lots to choose from: arduino versions  2.2  available for all purposes: shields    2.2.1  proto shield    2.2.2  motor shield    2.2.3  ethernet shield  2.3  nothing happens without power: the power supply  2.4  the microcontroller: heart of the arduino  2.5  the pc connection: usb interface3  development environment and programming basics  3.1  integrated development environment (ide)  3.2  for linux users: arduino ide under ubuntu  3.3  simple beginnings: the warning light  3.4  general structure of an arduino sketch  3.5  basic elements of the c programming language for arduino  3.6  program structures  3.7  arduino-specific functions  3.8  arduino punctuation: syntax elements  3,9  data storage elements: variables  3.10  the art of math: operators  3.11  to be clear: logical operators  3.12  unchanging parameters: constants  3.13  dealing with related data of the same type: arrays  3.14  program control structures  3.15  controlling timing  3.16  mathematical functions  3.17  random numbers  3.18  extending the options: adding libraries4  electronic components and low-cost "freeduinos"  4.1  breadboards: simple and effective without soldering  4.2  prototyping boards: durable construction without chemicals  4.3  low-cost 'freeduinos'  4.4  arduino and its helpers: basic electronic components    4.4.1  usb cable    4.4.2  resistors    4.4.3  capacitors    4.4.4  potentiometers    4.4.5  leds    4.4.6  rgb leds    4.4.7  switches    4.4.8  silicon diodes    4.4.9 transistors5  hello world  5.1  cut to the chaser  5.2  it gets brighter: controlling power leds  5.3  povino: persistence-of-vision display6  displays and display techniques  6.1  bar graph display: the classic for measurement applications  6.2  simple and cheap: 7-segment displays  6.3  4-digit, 7-segment displays: a key component for instrumentation  6.4  mini monitor for signs and graphics: the led dot matrix  6.5  dot matrix display as a two-digit digital display  6.6  micro learns to write: alphanumeric display  6.7  the lcd7  measurement and sensors  7.1  flexible and easy to read: an led voltmeter  7.2  volt / ammeter: precise instrument for the hobbyist's lab  7.3  kiloohmmeter for specific applications  7.4  no more faulty electrolytic capacitor woes: the 'elcaduino' tester ..  7.5  'picofaraduino': measuring smaller capacitances  7.6  'transistino': transistor tester  ~  7.7  a simple ntc thermometer  7.8  hot or cold? temperature measurement using the ad22100  7.9  remote thermometer  7.10  'thermoduino': precision thermometer with 7-segment display  7.11  when are we most comfortable? - the hygrometer  7.12  'battduino': capacity measurement for rechargeable batteries  7.13  optical sensors: important for more than just photography  7.14  reflex light for geocaching  7.15  for professional photographers: a digital light meter  7.16  home 'radar station": distance measurement using ultrasound8  timers, clocks and interrupts  8.1  morning and night fun: grand prix toothbrush timer  8.2  practical and accurate: digital clock with led display  8.3  who's faster? a reaction timer  8.4  'timerino': universal timer with a 7-segment display  8.5  plug-in timer to make life easier  8.6  atomic precision: the dcf77 radio clock  8.7  output of time and date to the serial interface  8.8  stand-alone dcf77 clock with lcd display9  interfaces  9.1  universal and simple: the i2c interface  9.2  when we run out of pins: port expansion  9.4  hexadecimal debugger display using a 2-digit, 7-segment display.  9.5  lcd control via i2c using the pcf8574  9.6  this time, fully digital: the lm75 thermometer  9.7  power-saving: real-time clock with date display  9.8  alter including the irremote wireless, practical, quick: the ir interface  9.9  'lampino': an ir-controlled rgb lamp  9.10  timely luxury: an ir-controlled digital clock  9.11  optimal for microcontrollers: the ps/2 interface  9.12  keyboard and mouse as universal input devices  9.13  a complete microcomputer with lcd monitor and keyboard10  sounds and synthesizer  10.1  simple tones  10.2  transducers and amplifiers  10.3  fast pwm makes it happen: not just tones, but sound waves  10.4  theremin: the contactless musical instrument  10.5  audio processing    10.5.1  vco: a tunable sine wave source    10.5.2  digital signal processing  10.6  sound cloud: a digital synthesizer11  digital control techniques  11.1  control types    11.1.1  p controller    11.1.2  i controller    11.1.3  pi controller    11.1.4  pd controller    11.1.5  pid controller  11.2  optimum workstation lighting: digital illumination control  11.3  a classic of control theory: the gravity compensator12  physical computing  12.1  servos control the world  12.2  'photino': 2d camera swivel  12.3  'craning': mouse-controlled crane13  processing  13.1 arduino and processing: a formidable team  13.2 interaction with processing: data logging, trend graphs, etc14  the "living room box': our modular concluding project  14.1  always useful: a clock  14.2  control from afar: the ir interface  14.3  230 v control for hi-fi systems, televisions, lamps, etc  14.4  timers and sensors as the basis for home automation  14.5  indoor and outdoor thermometers  14.6  no more dry air: a hygrometer  14.7  the hardwarebibliographylistingslist of figureslist of tablesindex