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Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy

Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy

开本: 16开 页数: 258
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Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy 版权信息

Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy 本书特色

Shu Geng、Jay J.Cheng、Guangqing Liu、Maurycy Daroch、Ting Feng编著的《Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy(No.6 of New Energy Frontier)(英文版)》介绍了,This book describes diverse sources of bio-material such as agricultural andforestry residues, special cultivated energy plants, aquatic plants like algae andurban organic waste (Chapters 1,2). It also presents cutting-edge techniqueswhereby these materials can be processed or recycled to generate various forms ofclean bioenergy such as biogas (Chapter 3,7), biodiesel (Chapter 4), bioethanol(Chapter 5), and clean bio-char and other bio-products (Chapter 8).

Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy 内容简介


Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy 目录

Chapter 1 Biomass resources(Guangqing Liu and Jay J.Cheng)1.1 Organic waste materials1.1.1 Animal manure1.1.2 Municipal solid organic waste1.1.3 Industrial organic waste1.2 Agricultural residues1.2.1 Rice straw1.2.2 Corn stover1.2.3 Wheat straw1.2.4 Other agricultural residues1.3 Oil and grease1.3.1 Plant oils1.3.2 Oil-rich algae1.3.3 Waste oils and fats1.4 ReferencesChapter 2 Biomass logistics(Guangqing Liu and Maurycy Daroch(microalgae))2.1 Feed stock production2.1.1 Forestry waste2.1.2 Herbaceous biomass2.1.3 Algal biomass cultivation2.2 Harvesting2.2.1 Livestock and poultry manure collection2.2.2 Collection,storage and transportation of urban household organic waste2.2.3 Forestry biomass storage and transportation2.2.4 Crop straw collection2.2.5 Algae harvesting and dewatering2.3 Transport2.4 Storage2.5 ReferencesChapter 3 Biogas production(Guangqing Liu)3.1 Anaerobic digestion:principles for biogas production3.1.1 Two-stage theory of anaerobic digestion3.1.2 Calculation of theoretical methane yield in anaerobic digestion3.1.3 Microorganisms in anaerobic digestion3.1.4 Inhibition mechanism of intermediate product in anaerobic digestion process3.2 Biogas production at different temperatures3.2.1 Psychrophilic anaerobic digestion3.2.2 Mesophilic anaerobic digestion3.2.3 Thermophilic anaerobic digestion3.3 Anaerobic digesters3.3.1 Anaerobic biological pond3.3.2 Continuously stirred tank reactor3.3.3 Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket digester3.3.4 Anaerobic fiher3.3.5 Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor3.4 H2S removal from biogas3.5 Biogas power generation3.5.1 Development status of China and abroad3.5.2 Process of biogas power generation3.6 Purification of biogas for automobile fuel production3.6.1 Research on the CO2 scrubbing from biogas3.6.2 Research on dehydration of biogas3.7 ReferencesChapter 4 Biodiesel production{Maurycy Daroch)4.1 Principles of biodiesel production4.2 Characterisation of biodiesel feedstocks4.3 Transesterification4.3.1 Transesterification process and catalysts4.3.2 Alkaline catalysis4.3.3 Acid catalysis4.3.4 Enzyme:lipase4.4 Biodiesel production from vegetable oils4.5 Biodiesel production from waste oil and grease4.6 Biodiesel production from microalgal oil4.6.1 Oil extraction from microalgae4.6.2 Chartacteristics of algal lipids and biodieset production methods4.6.3 By-products from microalgae4.7 Net energy production from different biodiesel processes4.8 ReferencesChapter 5 Bioethanol production(Sabih Farooq and Jay J.Cheng)Chapter 6 Direct combustion of biomass(Guangqing Liu and Shu Geng)Chapter 7 Biomass gasification(Guangqing Liu)Chapter 8 Biomass pyrolysis(Guangqing Liu)Chapter 9 Environmental impacts and life cycle assessment(Ting Feng,Shu Geng and Maurycy Daroch)