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英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117210683
  • 条形码:9787117210683 ; 978-7-117-21068-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

英语 本书特色

  共计10个单元,涵盖:   a modern hospital   admission and discharge   routines in nursing   acute disease   peri-operative care   chronic disease等。   内容除了常规的医院护理实践外,侧重社区护理中常见的慢性病护理、心理护理、术后康复护理等内容,体现本教材的特色,为学生未来职业发展服务,以让学生熟悉英语国家医院结构、功能及其性质;了解英语国家护理模式及护士角色、英语国家护理文化的差异;掌握常用英语护理术语;培养学生对外护理交流的能力;提高学生对英语国家护理文化差异的敏感性和处理护理文化差异的灵活性。

英语 内容简介


英语 目录

unit 1  intro(iucrion 
 part i listening and speaking-
  dialogue l introducing each other
  dialogue 2 filling out the patient record
  passage l health school days and middle school days
  passage 2 giving a case report
 part ii reading
  texta basic humanneeds
  text b hospitals·
  text c how to write a case report
 partⅲgrammar and usage
 part iv phonetics
 part v writing
unit 2 asking for and giving directions
 part i listening and speaking
  dialogue l where is the city hall?
  dialogue 2 getting to the hospital
  passage l i passed my driving test!
  passage 2 nash wants to see a doctor
 part ii  reading·
  texta an unforgettable city
  text b admitting a patient
  text c hospital routines
 part iii grammar and usage
 part iv phonetics
 part v writing
unit 3 healthy diet
 part i listening and speaking
  dialogue l eating out
  dialogue 2 leaving hospital
  passage l what is health?
  passage 2 sleeplessness
 part ii  reading
  texta how to keep healthy
  text b good health habits for preventing flu
  7rext c nutrients
 part iii grammar and usage
 part iv phonetics
 part v writing
unit 4 getting to know your body
 part i listening and speaking
  dialogue l calling for anappointment
  dialogue 2 seeing a doctor
  passage l lily wants to be a nurse.
  passage 2 the skeleton
 part ii  reading
  texta“the doctor”inside your own heart
  text b organizing the body
  text c digestion
 partiii grammar andusage
 part v writing
unit 5 dental care
 part i listening and speaking
  dialogue l talking about healthy lifestyle
  dialogue 2 talking about toothache
  passage l dental care inancienttimes
  passage 2 some tips for brushing teeth
 part ii  reading
  texta health problems slow life spans in the us·
  text b dental care from childhood
  textc yourdentalhealthcareplan
 part iii grammar and usage
 part iv phonetics
 part v writing
unit 6 physical examination
 part i listening and speaking
  dialogue l when did you last come in for a physical exam?
  dialogue 2 i hope the tests turn out wen
  passage l the phvsical examination
  passage 2 weight
unit 7psychological nursing
unit 8 rehabilitation gudde
unit g prevention
unit 10 team work