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建筑英语 版权信息

建筑英语 本书特色


建筑英语 内容简介

本教材Talking部分是以“建筑管理人员去国外承揽建筑工程承包”为主线编排,即从“市场调查——领取招投标文件——进驻现场——工程竣工——维修索赔”等一系列内容为主,突出了整个工程承包的基本工作进程,使学生能够真正了解承包工程的全过程,真正实现“以工作为导向”和“任务驱动型”的教学理念,打破了以往教材中人为设置的互不关联而且单一的场景对话,为学生今后的工作奠定了基础。Writing部分均为与Talking部分内容配套的实用文体写作,突出会话与写作能力并进。Reading A和Reading B 两部分内容虽风格不一,但可以互为补充、互为渗透,专业与文化相互交融,既吸引学生学习专业的兴趣,又拓宽读者的行业视野。

建筑英语 目录

unit1  civil engineering  talking   global construction market  reading a civil engineering and civil engineer  reading b  make the past serve the present  --the great pyramids and its structural application  writing   international project contract documentunit2  high buildings  talking   market investigation  reading a  high buildings  reading b looking back on history  -- the brief history of world architecture  writing   call for tenders/bids by employerunit3  foundation  talking   inclusion in contractors' list  reading a  foundation  reading b the architectural styles  n the distinguished styles in the world  writing   letter of tenderunit4  construction  talking   pre-qualification  reading a construction  reading b the masterpieces of the millennium  -- the landmark of the world  writing   prequalification formunit5  building material  talking   tender document  readinga  building material  reading b the chinese characteristic architecture  -- chinese folk residence  writing   letter of acceptanceunit6  road and bridge  talking   interview with the client  reading a road and bridge  reading b the western characteristic architecture  -- castles, palaces and forts  writing   inquiry for supplyunit7  urban planning  talking   taking possession of site  reading a urban planning  reading b the beauty of the gardens  the comparison of the chinese and western gardens  writing   quotation for supplyunit8  interior design  talking   project progress programming  reading a interior design  reading b the tower of babel  -- skyscrapers  writing   notice to commenceunit9  building contract  talking   quality inspection  reading a building contract  reading b glittering in the sun  the architectural glass  writing   notice of tests on completionunit10  building automation  talking   completion and handing-over  readinga  building automation  reading b the elite in architectural designing  leoh ming pei  writing   excellent execution certificateunit11  green building  talking   maintenance  readinga green building  reading b the competition of the  olympic stadium  -- the winner of the nest  writing   securities/bonds/guarantees (1)unit12  real estate  talking   claiming  readinga real estate  reading b the unbelievable  -- the future outlook on architectural development  writing   securities/bonds/guarantees (2)revision onerevision tworevision threevocabularynew wordsphrases and expressionsproper names