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中国卫生年鉴:英文版:2013:2013 版权信息

中国卫生年鉴:英文版:2013:2013 内容简介


中国卫生年鉴:英文版:2013:2013 目录

PartⅠ Significant Reports inConference1. Focus on Key Areas, Overcome Problems and Fully Implement Medical Reform and Every Task of Health Work-A Work Presentation of Health Minister Chen Zhu at 2012 National Meeting on Health Work2. Lift Our Spirits and Have the Courage to Bring Forth New Ideas for Creating a New Situation. of Food Safety and Health Supervision-An Address by Health Minister Chen Zhu to the 2012 Meeting of National Health Circle on Food Safety and Health Supervision3. Fully Implement Development Outline for Women and Children,and Make Efforts to Create a New Situation of Women and Children's Health Work-A Speech Made by Chen Zhu, Minister of Ministry of Health at 2012 National Conference on Women and Children's Health Work4. Elaborate Organization and Standardized Operation to Promote Sturdily the Payment Reform of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System (the NRCMCS)-A Speech Made by Chen Zhu, Minister of Ministry of Health at the Video and Telephone Conference on the Promotion of the Payment Reform of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System5. Maintain Confidence, Focus on the Key Issues and Push forward the Comprehensive Pilot Reform of the Public County Hospitals Actively and Steadily '-A Speech of Health Minister Chen Zhu Delivered at the Video and Telephone Conference on the Comprehensive Pilot Reform of the Public County Hospitals6. Serve the Overall Development and Strive to Make New Progress in the Saentific Development of the Undertaking of the Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicines-Working Report by Wang Guoqiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health and Concurrently Commissioner of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the 2012 National Working Conference on Traditional Chinese Mediane7. Address at 2012 Work Conference of National Food and Drug Admirustration-By Shao Mingli, Vice Minister of Health and Commissioner of State Food and Drug Administration (December 20, 2011) (Excerpts) PartⅡ Policy and StatuteContents of Health Standards Issued in 2012PartⅢ Progress of Work1. The Progress of Health Work in 20122. Work Progress of the Related Affairs of WTO in Health FieldChapterⅠ Disease Prevention and Control1. Disease Prevention and Controlin 20122. Hepatitis B Prevention and Treatment throughout the Country3. Progress in AIDS Prevention and Treatment4. Launching Ceremony for Theme Activities of 2012 World Tuberculosis…… Part Ⅳ Academic and Civil SocietiesPart Ⅴ Figures in the Health FieldPart Ⅵ Health Statistics