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SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文

SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文

开本: 16开 页数: 241
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SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510453632
  • 条形码:9787510453632 ; 978-7-5104-5363-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文 本书特色

历史不应忘却 真相不容抹杀这是一段用鲜血和生命写下的历史历史的伤痕还在,历史的警示还在,历史的教训还在忘记历史就意味着背叛 谨以此书献给世界反法西斯战争胜利七十周年首度公开 日军战地记者大量清晰图片与手记 等珍贵史料 日本官方出版的《支那事变画报》

SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文 内容简介


SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文 目录

Opening Words: Starting From Several Maps
-- Formation of Modern Japanese Militarism and Establishment of the Continental Policy
Part One: Japan Launched All-Out War of Aggression Against China
I. The Lugou Bridge Incident and Japan's Massive Attacks Against Beiping and Tianjin
Lugou Bridge Incident
Fall of Beiping and Tianjin
II. Japanese Army Launched Strategic Offensives Against North China
Battles Along Major Railway Lines
Shanxi Battlefield
III. Japanese Army Launched Strategic Offensives on Shanghai and Nanjing
The Battle of Shanghai
Japan Expanded Front Lines in Shanghai Area
Japanese Army Landed in Hangzhou Bay and Captured Shanghai
Japanese Capture of Nanjing
IV. Japanese Army Launched Strategic Attacks Against Xuzhou and Wuhan
Japanese Army Attacked Xuzhou
North and East China
Japanese Army Launched Strategic Attacks Against Wuhan
V. Japanese Army Launched Strategic Offensives Against South China
Part Two: Japan Turned to a Conservative Strategy and Started Southward Advancement
I. Japan Fought in Central China
Japan Launched Attacks Against Jiangxi
Japanese Army Fought in Hubei and Henan Provinces
II. Japanese Army Fought Along China's Coastline
Japanese Army Landed in the Hainan Island
Japanese Army Assaulted Coastal Areas of Zhejiang
Japanese Army Invaded South Guangxi
III. Japan Took a Conservative Strategy in North China
Japanese Invaded Zhongtiao Mountain
Japanese Army Mopped up Occupied Regions
IV. Japanese Army Bombarded China's Vast Rear Areas
VI. Japanese Army Advanced Southward, the Pacific War Broke Out
Conclusion: Collapse of Japanese Imperialism
I. Formation of the World Anti-Fascist United Front
II. Japanese Army Continued Its Aggression Against China, Chinese Troops Counterattacked Arduously
III. Collapse of Japanese Imperialism
Appendix One: Brief Introduction of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Appendix Two: Introduction of the Pictorial of China Incident
Appendix Three: Publishing Timetable of Pictorial of China Incident
Appendix Four: Publishing Timetable of Pictorial of China Incident's Temporary Supplement
Postscript: Wang Aifu and His Collections on the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

SMOKING GUNS-铁证-日军侵华罪证自录-英文 作者简介

王艾甫男,1941年7月2日生,山西省左权县西关村人。1959年参军,历任班长、排长、连长、独立营副书记,期间曾赴越南、老挝作战。1981年转业后任太原铜厂管理员、太原司法局劳教行政管理科科长、山西省检察院助理检察员、招待所所长,1993年退休。 1993年至2011年,任太原市收藏协会会长、三晋文化研究会副秘书长。 1996年至今,担任“为烈士寻找亲人,让英雄魂归故里”志愿者,2009年至今任左权县抗战纪念馆馆长。 戴姝瑶女,四川彭山人,2012年毕业于华中师范大学历史文化学院,现为中国社会科学院研究生院近代史系研究生。2011年,参加第三届全国历史学本科生论坛,论文获二等奖。 张基祥男,1946年7月29日生,山西省左权县南峧沟村人。长期从事广播电视宣传工作。现为左权县作家协会主席、山西省作家协会会员、中国广播电视学会会员。 出版有散文集《漫游散记》《诗画左权》,诗注《辽阳题咏选注》,文史专著《碧血辽县》《抗战文化》《抗战诗歌选》《永恒的记忆》等十余部。
