补遗雷公炮制便览 (一函2册)
医学影像学英语教程 版权信息
- ISBN:9787567902213
- 条形码:9787567902213 ; 978-7-5679-0221-3
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
医学影像学英语教程 本书特色
医学影像学英语教程 内容简介
医学影像学英语教程 目录
Chapter 1 Brief Introduction to Medical ImagingLesson 1 X-ray ImagingSection 1 The principles of X-ray imagingSection 2 Equipment of X-ray and property of radiographySection 3 X-ray examination techniques and characteristics of imagesSection 4 The security of X-ray examinationLesson 2 Computed TomographySection 1 The principles of computed tomographySection 2 CT scanner and the imaging performance of CTSection 3 CT examination techniques and characteristics of imagesSection 4 The security of CTLesson 3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)Section 1 The basic theory of MRISection 2 MRI performanceSection 3 MRI examination techniques and characteristics of imagesSection 4 The security of MRILesson 4 Uhrasonography (US)Section 1 Basic principlesSection 2 Ultrasound instrumentSection 3 Techniques and characteristics of imagesChapter 2 Imaging of the Central Nervous SystemLesson 1 BrainSection 1 Examination techniquesSection 2 Normal imaging findings of brainSection 3 Techniques and characteristics of imagesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 2 Spinal CordSection 1 Examination techniquesSection 2 Normal imaging findings of Spinal cordSection 3 Imaging signs of spinal cord diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesChapter 3 Imaging of Head and NeckLesson 1 EyeSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of eyeSection 3 Imaging signs of eye diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 2 EarSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of earSection 3 Imaging signs of ear diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 3 Accessory sinusSection 1 Imaging MethodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of accessory sinusSection 3 Imaging signs of accessory sinusSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 4 PharynxSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynxSection 3 Imaging signs of diseases in nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynxSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 5 LarynxSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 6 0romaxillo-facial regionSection 1 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 7 NeckSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of neckSection 3 Imaging signs of cervical diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesChapter 4 Imaging of the Respiratory SystemLesson 1 Imaging MethodsLesson 2 Normal imaging of chestSection 1 RadiographySection 2 CTSection 3 MRILesson 3 Imaging Signs of Chest DiseasesSection 1 Pulmonary diseasesSection 2 Pleura diseasesSection 3 Mediastinal diseasesLesson 4 Diagnosis of DiseasesSection 1 BronchiectasisSection 2 PneumoniaSection 3 Lung abscessSection 4 Pulmonary tuberculosisSection 5 Diffuse pulmonary diseasesSection 6 Pulmonary tumorsSection 7 Primary mediastinal tumorSection 8 Pleural diseasesChapter 5 Imaging of the Circulatory SystemLesson 1 Heart and PericardiumSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of heart and pericardiumSection 3 Imaging signs of heart and pericardium diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 2 Great VesselsSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of great vesselsSection 3 Imaging signs of great vessels diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesChapter 6 Imaging of the Digestive SystemLesson 1 Esophagus and Gastrointestinal TractSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of esophagus and gastrointestinal tractSection 3 Basic imaging signs of esophagus and gastrointestinal tract diseasesSection 4 Common diseases of esophagus and gastrointestinal tractLesson 2 Liver, biliary system, pancreas and spleenSection 1 LiverSection 2 Biliary systemSection 3 PancreasSection 4 SpleenChapter 7 Imaging of the urogenital systemLesson 1 Imaging of the Urogenital SystemSection 1 Kidney and ureterSection 2 BladderLesson 2 Imaging of the Adrenal GlandsSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of the adrenal glandsSection 3 Imaging signs of kidney and ureters diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 3 Female Genital SystemSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of the female genital systemSection 3 Imaging signs of female genital system diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 4 Male Genital SystemSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of male genital systemSection 3 Imaging signs of male genital system diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesChapter 8 Imaging of the Mammary GlandsLesson 1 Imaging MethodsLesson 2 Normal Imaging of BreastSection 1 AnatomySection 2 ManmaographySection 3 UhrasonographySection 4 MRISection 5 CTLesson 3 Imaging Signs of BreastSection 1 MammographySection 2 UltrasonographySection 3 MRISection 4 CTLesson 4 Diagnosis of DiseasesSection 1 FibroadenomaSection 2 Fibroeystie diseaseSection 3 Breast cancerChapter 9 Imaging of the osteoarticular and nmscular systernsLesson 1 SkeletonSection 1 Imaging MethodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of bonesSection 3 Imaging signs of bone diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of bone diseasesLesson 2 JointsSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of jointSection 3 Imaging signs of joint diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseasesLesson 3 Soft TissueSection 1 Imaging methodsSection 2 Normal imaging findings of soft tissueSection 3 Imaging signs of soft tissue diseasesSection 4 Diagnosis of diseases
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