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新商务英语综合教程-4 版权信息

新商务英语综合教程-4 本书特色

“新商务英语教程”系列教材采用话题、语言技 能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,全书以话题为核心, 语言技能为主线,精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教 学单元。本书为《新商务英语综合教程4》,由戴明 元主编,全书共8个单元,每单元由learning objectives,lead-in,readings,language skills in focus和cultural tips 5个模块构成, 以多种形式对英语阅读、翻译、写作和口语等基本技 能进行综合性训练。   本教材可供高职高专院校商务英语专业和应用英 语专业外贸和涉外文秘方向的学生在二年级下学期使 用。

新商务英语综合教程-4 内容简介

“新商务英语教程”系列教材采用话题、语言技能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,全书以话题为核心,语言技能为主线, 精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教学单元。本书为《新商务英语综合教程4》,全书共8 个单元,每单元由Learning Objectives,Lead-in,Readings,Language Skills in Focus 和Cultural Tips 5 个模块构成,以多种形式对英语阅读、翻译、写作和口语等基本技能进行综合性训练。

新商务英语综合教程-4 目录

unit 1  corporate culture
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  what is corporate culture?
    text b  being a gentleman at the office: the dos of business etiquette
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
unit 2  trademark and brand
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  brand awareness
    text b  protecting your brand with trademarks
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
unit 3  mechanism of the board
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  the board of directors
    text b  a more effective board of directors
  section c language skills in focus
  section d cultural tips
unit 4  stock market
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  understanding the stock market
    text b  how stocks and the stock market work
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
unit 5  overseas market
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  the challenges of doing business overseas
    text b  product strategies for overseas markets
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
    vision of the
unit 6  company
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  building your company's vision
    text b  what is a vision statement?
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
unit 7  business tycoons
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a  warren buffett
    text b  a successful leader--li ka-shing
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
unit 8  top 500
  learning objectives
  section a  lead-in
  section b  readings
    text a apple inc
    text b  starbucks
  section c  language skills in focus
  section d  cultural tips
new words and expressions