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C#并发经典实例-(影印版) 版权信息

C#并发经典实例-(影印版) 本书特色

stephen cleary利用75个丰富实例解释了并行处理同步处理技术,书中使用了.net 4.5和c# 5.0语言特性。作者stephen cleary拥有广泛的编程经验,涉及领域从arm到azure。他致力于开源软件开发,从boost c++库开始,已经发布了多个自己的库和应用。

C#并发经典实例-(影印版) 内容简介

Stephen Cleary利用75个丰富实例解释了并行处理同步处理技术,书中使用了.NET 4.5和C# 5.0语言特性。作者Stephen Cleary拥有广泛的编程经验,涉及领域从ARM到Azure。他致力于开源软件开发,从Boost C++库开始,已经发布了多个自己的库和应用。

C#并发经典实例-(影印版) 目录

Preface1.Concurrency: An Overview 1.1.Introduction to Concurrency 1.2.Introduction to Asynchronous Programming 1.3.Introduction to Parallel Programming 1.4.Introduction to Reactive Programming (Rx) 1.5.Introduction to Dataflows 1.6.Introduction to Multithreaded Programming 1.7.Collections for Concurrent Applications 1.8.Modern Design 1.9.Summary of Key Technologies2.Async Basics 2.1.Pausing for a Period of Time 2.2.Returning Completed Tasks 2.3.Reporting Progress 2.4.Waiting for a Set of Tasks to Complete 2.5.Waiting for Any Task to Complete 2.6.Processing Tasks as They Complete 2.7.Avoiding Context for Continuations 2.8.Handling Exceptions from async Task Methods 2.9.Handling Exceptions from async Void Methods3.Parallel Basics 3.1.Parallel Processing of Data 3.2.Parallel Aggregation 3.3.Parallel Invocation 3.4.Dynamic Parallelism 3.5.Parallel LINQ4.Dataflow Basics 4.1.Linking Blocks 4.2.Propagating Errors 4.3.Unlinking Blocks 4.4.Throttling Blocks 4.5.Parallel Processing with Dataflow Blocks 4.6.Creating Custom Blocks5.Rx Basics 5.1.Converting .NET Events 5.2.Sending Notifications to a Context 5.3.Grouping Event Data with Windows and Buffers 5.4.Taming Event Streams with Throttling and Sampling 5.5.Timeouts6.Testing 6.1.Unit Testing async Methods 6.2.Unit Testing async Methods Expected to Fail 6.3.Unit Testing async void Methods 6.4.Unit Testing Dataflow Meshes 6.5.Unit Testing Rx Observables 6.6.Unit Testing Rx Observables with Faked Scheduling7.Interop 7.1.Async Wrappers for "Async" Methods with "Completed" Events 7.2.Async Wrappers for "Begin/End" methods 7.3.Async Wrappers for Anything 7.4.Async Wrappers for Parallel Code 7.5.Async Wrappers for Rx Observables 7.6.Rx Observable Wrappers for async Code 7.7.Rx Observables and Dataflow Meshes8.Collections 8.1.Immutable Stacks and Queues 8.2.Immutable Lists 8.3.Immutable Sets 8.4.Immutable Dictionaries 8.5.Threadsafe Dictionaries 8.6.Blocking Queues 8.7.Blocking Stacks and Bags 8.8.Asynchronous Queues 8.9.Asynchronous Stacks and Bags 8.10.Blocking/Asynchronous Queues 9.Cancellation 9.1.Issuing Cancellation Requests 9.2.Responding to Cancellation Requests by Polling 9.3.Canceling Due to Timeouts 9.4.Canceling async Code 9.5.Canceling Parallel Code 9.6.Canceling Reactive Code 9.7.Canceling Dataflow Meshes 9.8.Injecting Cancellation Requests 9.9.Interop with Other Cancellation Systems10.Functional-Friendly OOP 10.1.Async Interfaces and Inheritance 10.2.Async Construction: Factories 10.3.Async Construction: The Asynchronous Initialization Pattern 10.4.Async Properties 10.5.Async Events 10.6.Async Disposal11.Synchronization 11.1.Blocking Locks 11.2.Async Locks 11.3.Blocking Signals 11.4.Async Signals 11.5.Throttling12.Scheduling 12.1.Scheduling Work to the Thread Pool 12.2.Executing Code with a Task Scheduler 12.3.Scheduling Parallel Code 12.4.Dataflow Synchronization Using Schedulers13.Scenarios 13.1.Initializing Shared Resources 13.2.Rx Deferred Evaluation 13.3.Asynchronous Data Binding 13.4.Implicit Stateindex