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老美常用职场英语-一句话说出美国范儿 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787517029267
  • 条形码:9787517029267 ; 978-7-5170-2926-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

老美常用职场英语-一句话说出美国范儿 本书特色

本书以时下*热门的话题为切入口,为大家示范*具“美国范儿”的英文表达,结合时下流行的美剧、电影,奉上全球*地道的英语盛宴。不仅如此,本书在细数*具“美国范儿”话题的同时,更加注重从句式和词汇的角度夯实读者*基本的英语基础知识,在同一个主题下发散式地为大家奉上极具辐射性的相关表达,丰富大家的句库和口语词汇,达到举一反三的学习效果,为你打造一口准确地道的流利美语。 本书包含美国人朝九晚五*常用、*实用的职场话题,从职场敲门砖、招贤纳士、员工考核到办公室英语、电话英语、商务英语,职场精英需要的口语表达都在这里。职场精英每天上班要用的话随需随查,总能找到你*需要的那一句。

老美常用职场英语-一句话说出美国范儿 内容简介

本书以时下*热门的话题为切入口,为大家示范*具“美国范儿”的英文表达,结合时下流行的美剧、电影,奉上全球*地道的英语盛宴。不仅如此,本书在细数*具“美国范儿”话题的同时,更加注重从句式和词汇的角度夯实读者*基本的英语基础知识,在同一个主题下发散式地为大家奉上极具辐射性的相关表达,丰富大家的句库和口语词汇,达到举一反三的学习效果,为你打造一口准确地道的流利美语。 本书包含美国人朝九晚五*常用、*实用的职场话题,从职场敲门砖、招贤纳士、员工考核到办公室英语、电话英语、商务英语,职场精英需要的口语表达都在这里。职场精英每天上班要用的话随需随查,总能找到你*需要的那一句。

老美常用职场英语-一句话说出美国范儿 目录

前言Chapter 1 办公情景——上班族一定会遇到 Sentence 1 公司要招兵买马了,长江后浪推前浪。 We need someone able to hit the ground running. Sentence 2闹铃没响+塞车,迟到的代价是惨痛的。 Your pay may be docked if you're late for work. Sentence 3加班给加班费,还是just加it Do I get overtime pay Sentence 4不是蓝屏,就是死机!这电脑怎么了 TheComputer justCrashed again. 8 Sentence 5来吧,说说你的看法!BrainstorfIl动起来! Would you like to share your idea Sentence 6多谢来电!挂电话也要有礼貌哦。 Time to go.Talk to you soon. Sentence 7提忠告,给意见,都需要点技术含量。 That's the way it goes. Sentence 8介绍新产品:这款产品造型独特。 It'S a peculiarly shaped production. Chapter 2英文面试——职场敲门砖 Sentence 1 学历 专业 自我介绍≠复述简历。 Please allow me to introduce myself. Sentence 2高效、麻利、有效率,咱的能力杠杠滴! I am a man of high efficiency. Sentence 3兼职or全职,工作经验慢慢说。 Have you ever been employed 7 Sentence 4太注重细节,太追求完美,这到底是优点还是缺 点呢 I have a stable personality and high sense of responsibility. Sentence 5长期目标就奔着CEO去了。 I hoDe ICan become an expert in my field. Sentence 6底薪、提成、年终奖,一样都不能落下。 What'S your expected salary Sentence 7 五险一金,都有吧 周末、年假如何安排 What kind of benefitsCome with the.job Sentence 8工作和学习之外的你有何兴趣爱好 What do you do for leisure Sentence 9请问,我有戏吗 复试情况早知道。 Excuse me,have I got it tChapter 3人事行政——招贤纳士、员工考核 Sentence 1 各位.这是咱公司的新人哦,热烈欢迎! Welcome aboard!Welcome to our team! Sentence 2业务不熟,有培训吗 Will there be an orientation for newComers Sentence 3事假!病假!婚假!产假!生命需要假期。 I'd like to put in for one-hour's leave. 10 Sentence 4他终于升了.升了!能升就好! The promotionCame as quite a surprise for me. 16 Sentence 5职位调动,是惊 是喜 是别离 You're transferred to the Sales Department. Sentence 6被解雇 公司是要赔钱的哦。 I got fired. Sentence 7跳槽!越跳越高,越跳越好吗 Job hopping is a veryCommon thing. Chapter 4 日常工作——杂七杂八事情多 Sentence 1 打印!复印!谁能帮我一下呢 Print on both sides of the paper. 40 Sentence 2 mail收到了吗 期待早13收到你的回复。 I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Sentence 3 Ladys&Gentlemen,会议提前一小时开。 Is theConferenee room available Sentence 4不好意思,时间要改一下,下周一如何 We need to push back to next Monday. Sentence 5工作review可不是汇报流水账哦。 I actually have to report to you. Chapter 5电话英语——你听懂Tn-~ Sentence 1 接电话!打电话!电话找人这么说。 May I speak to John Sentence 2打电话要找对时间,赶上经理开会怎么办 Sorry,he is tired up at the moment. Sentence 3抱歉,拨错号码了! I hit the wrong button.Sorry. Sentence 4不是一般的穿越,难道电话串线了 The lines must beCrossed. 85 Sentence 5稍等,我帮您转过去。 I'11Connect you. Sentence 6 明天下午,这个时间可以吗 When is aConvenient time Sentence 7他太忙,那就留个言吧! May I take a massage Chapter 6 同事沟通——跟同事如何谈感情 Sentence 1 求鼓励!一句“干得不错”鼓励一下! Cheer up! Sentence 2求安慰!坚持住,情况会好起来的! Hang in there.Things will get better. Sentence 3求谅解!“别担心,这是常有的事儿!” Don't worry about it.These things happen. Sentence 4三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮!同事帮帮忙! Please give me a hand. Sentence 5抱怨、牢骚,是到该说说的时候了。 Perhaps it'S time to address it. Sentence 6她人很nice,不要吝惜对别人的赞美! He'S a go—getter. Sentence 7我才不信呢!职场中的信任与怀疑。 Never tell me! Chapter 7 商务贸易——是时候体现你的能力了 Sentence 1人字拖、运动鞋,no,no,no! Do not wear flip—flops or sneakers. Sentence 2很高兴跟贵方见面——双方见面。 It's great to finally meet you in person. Sentence 3深入了解的**步——参观工厂。 Why don't you give me a tour Sentence 4这个价格不太合理!讨价还价有窍门。 The price is unreasonable. Sentence 5这是我们能接受的*低价格。 That'S the lowest price weCan accept. Sentence 6我现在就给你下订单,下单就放心了。 I'11 get an order to you right away. Sentence 7 Happy ending!希望我们合作愉快! It'S great to have the opportunity to work with you. Sentence 8万事俱备,只欠合同啦,准备好就签吧! I'm already to sign the agreement. Sentence 9小小心意,大家随意用餐哦。 Help yourself please.

老美常用职场英语-一句话说出美国范儿 作者简介

