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老美常用旅游英语-一句话说出美国范儿 版权信息

老美常用旅游英语-一句话说出美国范儿 本书特色

本书以旅行中*实用的句子为切入口,为大家示范*具“美国范儿”的英文表达,结合时下流行的美剧、电影,奉上全球*地道的英语盛宴。不仅如此,本书在细数*具“美国范儿”话题的同时,更加注重从句式和词汇的角度夯实读者*基本的英语基础知识,在同一个主题下发散式地为大家奉上极具辐射性的相关表达,丰富大家的句库和口语词汇,达到举一反三的学习效果,为你打造一口准确地道的流利美语。 本书包含美国人背包出游*常用、*实用的旅行英语,从出发前准备、预订机票和酒店到一路走一路吃、扫货、观光、应对突发状况等,出门在外需要的口语表达都在这里。旅途中急需的话随需随查,总能找到你*需要的那一句。

老美常用旅游英语-一句话说出美国范儿 内容简介

本书以旅行中*实用的句子为切入口,为大家示范*具“美国范儿”的英文表达,结合时下流行的美剧、电影,奉上全球*地道的英语盛宴。不仅如此,本书在细数*具“美国范儿”话题的同时,更加注重从句式和词汇的角度夯实读者*基本的英语基础知识,在同一个主题下发散式地为大家奉上极具辐射性的相关表达,丰富大家的句库和口语词汇,达到举一反三的学习效果,为你打造一口准确地道的流利美语。 本书包含美国人背包出游*常用、*实用的旅行英语,从出发前准备、预订机票和酒店到一路走一路吃、扫货、观光、应对突发状况等,出门在外需要的口语表达都在这里。旅途中急需的话随需随查,总能找到你*需要的那一句。

老美常用旅游英语-一句话说出美国范儿 目录

前言Chapter 1 出发前准备 Sentence 1 咨询旅行社、确定行程 Could you recommend a popular route Sentence 2 办护照 What do I need to apply for a passport Sentence 3 订机票 I'd like to reserve a flight. Sentence 4 兑换外币、旅行支票 I'd like to change some foreign currency. Chapter 2 空中之旅 Sentence 1 换登机牌 I want to check in for my flight to New York. Sentence 2 托运行李 I want to check my luggage. Sentence 3 转机、出入境 Can you find me a connecting flight Sentence 4 登机、落座 Where is the gate Sentence 5 机上服务 May I have a blanket.please Sentence 6 晕机 May I have some medicine for airsickness Sentence 7 倒时差 I've got jetlag. Chapter 3 车轮上的旅程 Sentence 1 坐公交车游伦敦 Which bus should I take Sentence 2 坐地铁游巴黎 Where do I change to the Train A Sentence 3打的要预约 Are you engaged Sentence 4 租车游美国更时尚 I want to rent an economy car. Sentence 5 坐着火车游欧洲 Is this a through train Chapter 4 酒店住宿 Sentence 1 预订房间 May I reserve a single room Sentence 2 酒店接送、人住登记 Please fill out this registration form. Sentence 3 客房服务 I'd like a wake—up call.please. Sentence 4 抱怨投诉 I'm going to complain to your superiors. Sentence 5 退房 I want to settle my account. Sentence 6 背包客栈 I have stayed at a Youth Hostel. Chapter 5 海外扫货 Sentence 1 买当地特产 Is there a souvenir shop near here Sentence 2 买衣服 May I try it on Sentence 3 艺术品店 Would you please show me that mural Sentence 4 买化妆品 Do you have the latest Christian Dior perfume Sentence 5 买电子产品 I'm an iPhone fanatic. Sentence 6 购物免税和退税 Can I get a tax refund for this Chapter 6 一路走一路吃 Sentence 1 选择餐厅 What is the specialty of the house Sentence 2 预订餐桌 I'd like to reserve a table for eight. Sentence 3 进店点餐 What'S the house special Sentence 4 抱怨餐点、提出要求 Would you please check on our order 82 Sentence 5 结账打包 Could you wrap this,please 87 Sentence 6 去美国品美味快餐 I'd like a hamburger and a large order of French fries. Sentence 7 英国酒吧小憩 May I ioin you Sentence 8 关于小费 Here is your tip,please. Chapter 7 观光游览 Sentence 1 游客中心信息咨询 Is St.Peter's Cathedral open today Sentence 2 游乐场 What time does it open Sentence 3 动物园、海洋馆 Excuse me,where is the dolphin show Sentence 4 电影院 What do you think about today's film Sentence 5 博物馆、美术馆 Do you provide a recorded tour in Chinese Sentence 6 在赌场 I will bet$10 in this. Sentence 7 逛夜店 Would you like to dance with me Sentence 8 百货公司一日游 Where is the department store'S exit Sentence 9 剧院表演 What popular shows are on this week Sentence 10 看球赛 Is this the second half Chapter 8 突发状况 Sentence 1 找“观光警察”求助 I had my pocket picked. Sentence 2 阴晴多变的天气 It seems to be clearing up. Sentence 3 旅途中身体抱恙 I feel feverish. Sentence 4 交通事故 I'd like to report a car accident. Sentence 5 天灾人祸 It's an emergency!

老美常用旅游英语-一句话说出美国范儿 作者简介

