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4 Plus-新托福口语真经

4 Plus-新托福口语真经

开本: 16开 页数: 267
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4 Plus-新托福口语真经 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787500139911
  • 条形码:9787500139911 ; 978-7-5001-3991-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

4 Plus-新托福口语真经 本书特色

本书是 “真经4”系列新晋加入的成员,它的新鲜热门话题以及超量标准练习与真题相辅相成,既在话题上对真题进行了拓展,又为考生提供了大量练习的机会,是实用性很强的备考材料。全书分为两部分:**部分收录了由北美资深新托福专家领衔编写的18套高仿真口语题。题目编排力求接近真题,让考生如身在考场,为实战做好准备。每套题都包括独立和综合总共6个task。每个题目下边包括笔记模板、词汇提示以及标准答案。独立口语任务之后还设置了related topics这一版块,帮助考生举一反三,从一个话题发散思维,掌握多个话题的万能模板。另外,每套题都提供了两条tips for success,即成功小贴士,内容覆盖考场发挥以及日常口语练习策略,是本书在练习之外为考生提供的又一宝藏。 第二部分收录了18套题的听力原文。另外,本书随书附赠了mp3音频以及在线模拟程序。程序的考试界面、时间提示以及答题流程和真实考场高度相似,考生按照教程把程序安装在自己的电脑上之后即可获得实战演练的机会。

4 Plus-新托福口语真经 内容简介

本书优势及卖点: 新托福口语真题*佳拍档!后真经4系列诚意之作! 权威新托福研发专家亲编,18套高仿真口语题独家巨献! 新鲜热门话题、地道美语应答,独一无二纯干货分享! 108个口语任务、36个高分策略,开启学霸模式,练到停不下来! 新航道——新托福真经4系列如下几本,点击即可购买 新托福口语真经4 点击进入 新托福阅读真经4 点击进入 新托福写作真经4 点击进入 新托福听力真经4 点击进入 新托福真词汇 点击进入

4 Plus-新托福口语真经 目录

actual test 01

independent task

making friends ……………..………………………………15

discussions or lectures ……………..………………………16

integrated task

making sports mandatory for students……………..………………………18

business: mental accounting ……………..…………………………………20

a broken computer ……………..……………………………………………22

ecology: roads and the ecology ……………..………….……………………24

actual test 02

independent task

in-country development ……………..………………………27

types of jobs ……………..…………………………..………28

integrated task

dormitory quiet policy ……………..…………..……………30

psychology: assimilation ……………..………………………32

choosing a school ……………..………………..……………34

biology: loon feathers ……………..…………………………36

actual test 03

independent task

musician ……………..………………………………………39

where to raise children ……………..………………………40

integrated task

basketball court usage ……………..…..……………………42

psychology: the peak-end rule ……………..………………44

finding a book ……………..…………………………………46

pathology: the human immune system ……..………………48

actual test 04

independent task

group studying ……………..……………..………………51

learning from the past ……………..………………………52

integrated task

paving a bicycle path ……………..………………………54

business: customer service testing ……………..………56

a grade in a class ……………..…………………………58

biology: animal fur adaptations ……………..…………60

actual test 05

independent task

food ……………..…………………………..……63

playing sports ……………..………………………64

integrated task

library expansion ……………..………………………………66

biology: rainforest plant adaptations ……………..…………68

joining a project ……………..…………………………………70

psychology: childhood play ……………..……………………72

actual test 06

independent task

clothes shopping ……………..……………………….……75

reading the newspaper ……………..………………………76

integrated task

posters around campus ……………..………………….………78

business: target marketing ……………..………………………80

a problem with a roommate ……………..……….……………82

biology: group feeding ……………..…………………..………84

actual test 07

independent task

good schools ……………..…………………………………………87

the best teachers for children ……………..………………………88

integrated task

no more student-advisor meetings ……………..…………………90

psychology: emotional intelligence ……………..…………………92

a new schedule at work ……………..……………………….……94

botany: plant root systems ……………..…………………………96

actual test 08

independent task

nervousness ……………..………………………………….………99

money for household chores ……………..………………………100

integrated task

free airport bus ……………..……………………..……………102

biology: vertical migration ……………..………………………104

registering for a course ……………..……………….…………106

biology: adaptations to arctic conditions ………………..……108

actual test 09

independent task

time off from school ……………..………………………111

easy or difficult classes ……………..………………………112

integrated task

no exercising on the commons ……………..………………………114

economics: pricing techniques ……………..………………………116

moving to a new dormitory ……………..………………………118

business: business financial setbacks ……………..………………………120

actual test 10

independent task

interesting news ……………..……………………… 123

traveling ……………..……………………… 124

integrated task

changing fall orientation ……………..……………………… 126

biology: mutualism ……………..……………………… 128

going to a concert ……………..……………………… 130

biology: bird eye positions ……………..……………………… 132

actual test 11

independent task

healthy children ……………..……………………… 135

new or old buildings……………..……………………… 136

integrated task

borrowing art books ……………..……………………… 138

sociology: technical incapacity ……………..……………………… 140

choosing a job ……………..……………………… 142

ecology: wetland animals ……………..……………………… 144

actual test 12

independent task

the most important item ……………..……………………… 147

learning about one’s ancestors ……………..……………………… 148

integrated task

computer laboratory fee ……………..……………………… 150

business: sensory marketing ……………..……………………… 152

going home for the holidays or not ……………..……………………… 154

biology: mutualism ……………..……………………… 156

actual test 13

independent task

characteristics ……………..……………………… 159

carrying a cell phone ……………..……………………… 160

integrated task

no cell phones in the library ……………..……………………… 162

psychology: negative ideation ……………..……………………… 164

getting extra shifts ……………..……………………… 166

business: product designs ……………..……………………… 168

actual test 14

independent task

a good period in life ……………..………………………171

solving problems ……………..……………………… 172

integrated task

building renovations ……………..………………………174

business: advertising……………..……………………… 176

taking online classes ……………..………………………178

biology: insect defenses ……………..………………………180


4 Plus-新托福口语真经 作者简介

Susan Kim (金守进):加拿大温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚大学学士;韩国开普兰教育中心托福教师 Michael A. Putlack (帕特莱克):美国马萨诸塞州麦德福德市塔夫斯大学历史学硕士;新托福、托业和英语能力鉴定考试研发专家 Lee Cheong (李青):韩国仁川仁荷大学英语语言文学专业学士;韩国首尔韩国外国语大学,获得国际英语教师资格证;美国纽约艾德菲大学,获得高级商务英语证书 Stephen Poirier (波里尔):加拿大西安大略大学历史学博士;加拿大卡尔顿大学,获得专业技术性写作证书
