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复分析-第2版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510077838
  • 条形码:9787510077838 ; 978-7-5100-7783-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

复分析-第2版 本书特色

  this book is a translation of the forthcoming fourth edition of our german book "funktionentheorie p' (springer 2005). the translation and the latex files have been produced by dan fulea. he also made a lot of suggestions for improvement which influenced the english version of the book. it is a pleasure for us to express to him our thanks. we also want to thank our colleagues diarmuid crowley, winfried kohnen and jorg sixt for useful suggestions concerning the translation.

复分析-第2版 内容简介


复分析-第2版 目录

differential calculus in the complex plane c
ⅰ.1 complex numbers
ⅰ.2 convergent sequences and series
ⅰ.3 continuity
ⅰ.4 complex derivatives
ⅰ.5 the cauchy-riemann differential equations

ⅱ integral calculus in the complex plane c
ⅱ.1 complex line integrals
ⅱ.2 the cauchy integral theorem
ⅱ.3 the cauchy integral formulas

ⅲ sequences and series of analytic functions, the residue theorem
ⅲ.1 uniform approximation
ⅲ.2 power series
ⅲ.3 mapping properties of analytic functions
ⅲ.4 singularities of analytic functions
ⅲ.5 laurent decomposition a appendix to iii.4 and iii.5
ⅲ.6 the residue theorem
ⅲ.7 applications of the r,esidue theorem

ⅳ construction of analytic functions
ⅳ.1 the gamma function
ⅳ.2 the weiers'rrass product formula
ⅳ.3 the mitrrac_leffler partial fyaction decomposition
ⅳ.4 the riemann mapping theorem
a appendix : the homotopical version of the cauchy integral theorem
b appendix : a homological version of the cauchy
integral theorem
c appendix : characterizations of elementary domains

ⅴ elliptic functions
ⅴ.1 liouville's theorems
a appendix to the definition of the period lattice
ⅴ.2 the weierstrass -function
ⅴ.3 the field of elliptic functions
a appendix to sect. v.3 : the torus as an algebraic curve
ⅴ.4 the addition theorem
ⅴ.5 elliptic integrals
ⅴ.6 abel's theorem
ⅴ.7 the elliptic modular group
ⅴ.8 the modular function j

ⅵ elliptic modular forms
ⅵ.1 the modular group and its fundamental region
ⅵ.2 the k/12-formula and the injectivity of the j-function
ⅵ.3 the algebra of modular forms
ⅵ.4 modular forms and theta series
ⅵ.5 modular forms for congruence groups
a appendix to v1.5 : the theta group
ⅵ.6 a ring of theta fhnctions

ⅶ analytic number theory
ⅶ.1 sums of four and eight squares
ⅶ.2 dirichlerr series
ⅶ.3 dirichlet series with functional equations
ⅶ.4 the riemann <-function and prime numbers
ⅶ.5 the analytic continuation of the <-function
ⅶ.6 a tauberian theorem

ⅷ solutions to the exercises
ⅷ.1 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅰ
ⅷ.2 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅱ
ⅷ.3 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅲ
ⅷ.4 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅳ
ⅷ.5 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅴ
ⅷ.6 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅵ
ⅷ.7 solutions to the exercises of chapter ⅶ
symbolic notations


复分析-第2版 作者简介

Eberhard Freitag是国际知名学者,在数学和物理学界享有盛誉。本书凝聚了作者多年科研和教学成果,适用于科研工作者、高校教师和研究生。
