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世纪商务英语听说教程:Ⅱ:基础篇:学生用书 版权信息

世纪商务英语听说教程:Ⅱ:基础篇:学生用书 内容简介

  《世纪商务英语听说教程(基础篇Ⅱ 学生用书 第五版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》编者(曹淑萍、王元媛)在充分吸收了广大用户的反馈意见的前提下对教材做了修改和完善,使内容更加精炼、实用,梯度更合理,以期达到更好的教学效果。本教程根据商务英语教学的特点,将语言能力培养、文化背景知识和商务知识融为一体。选材注意新颖性、信息性、知识性和实用性。听力技巧与商务内容并重。

世纪商务英语听说教程:Ⅱ:基础篇:学生用书 目录

Unit 1 This Position Sounds Interesting
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 2 May I Speak to...?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listenina
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 3 What is the Next Item on the Agenda?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listenincl
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 4 I'd Like to Open an Account.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listenincl
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 5 Let's Go Traveling.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listenincl
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listeninq
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 6 Got Stuck in Traffic.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listeninq
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 7 We Wish You a Pleasant Stay in Our Hotel.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listeninq
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 8 Chinese Food or Western Food?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 9 Have Fun!
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 10 How Much Does This Cost?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 11 I'd Like to File a Complaint.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 12 We'll Solve Your Problem as Soon as Possible.
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ GeneraI Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ FurtherListening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 13 How Often Do You Use the Internet?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ i General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

Unit 14 Can You Keep a Secret?
Part Ⅰ Training Focus
Part Ⅱ General Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Further Listening
Part Ⅴ Situation Performance

世纪商务英语听说教程:Ⅱ:基础篇:学生用书 作者简介

