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教育文论选读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301247167
  • 条形码:9787301247167 ; 978-7-301-24716-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

教育文论选读 本书特色

《教育文论选读》借鉴特殊用途英语esp和内容依托教学clil的理念,以教育学科专业知识为选材背景,以英语阅读训练为主要语言技能,以学习技能培养为主要学习策略,旨在实现语言与专业融合和专业英语学习的提升。 《教育文论选读》结合学术英语与学科知识,将英语学习与教育专业学习有机结合,旨在帮助英语专业本科生进一步巩固语言基础和提高学术阅读能力,并在阅读内容上体现教育知识的专业性。本书分别从学习、教学、教师、学生几个不同方面展开,每单元设置六篇文章,其中**篇为介绍性导入的短文章,课文a,b,c为主课文,d,e为课外阅读材料。同时每单元通过穿插不同的学习技能讲解,培养学生自主学习、合作学习与探究学习的学习方式,并设计了相应的小组活动与考评活动以加强教学中的形成性评价。

教育文论选读 内容简介


教育文论选读 目录


上 篇
unit 1 educators philosophies and learning theories
introduction: nature of learning…3
text a: of studies…6
text b: what knowledge is of most worth?…10
text c: the differences between learning by instruction and learning by discovery…15
learning skills: library skills…20

unit 2 my perspectives on education between china and america
introduction: defining comparative education: conceptions…24
text a: re-education…26
text b: the social logic of ivy league admissions…32
text c: is college really worth the money?…39
learning skills: oral presentation…46

unit 3 education and students’ development
introduction: student diversity…52
text a: mi(multiple intelligence), it (in structional technology) and standards: the story of jamie…57
text b: the man who couldn’t forget: the story of solomon’s memory…65
text c: the boy who needed to play: the story of dibs…71
learning skills: academic report skills i…78

unit 4 english language and learning
introduction: learning english…86
text a: mother tongue…89
text b: identity, motivation and autonomy in second language acquisition from the perspective of complex adaptive system…95
text c: development: some general principles…101
learning skills: academic report skills ii…108

unit 5 learning model-cooperative learning
introduction:what is happening to cooperative learning?…114
text a: cooperative learning: what makes group work work?…118
text b: “the union is unbroken”march 4, 1861…125
text c: to save the union:1861—1863 moving toward emancipation…129
learning skills: cooperative learning skills…135

下 篇
unit 6 educators philosophies
introduction: early teaching models…145
text a: my pedagogic creed…147
text b: jerome bruner: the lesson of the story…152
text c: curriculum development from a constructivist perspective…159
learning skills: note-taking skills…164

unit 7 my perspectives on education from pedagogies to globalization
introduction: education and globalization: some hypotheses…173
text a: tiger moms: is tough parenting really the answer?…176
text b: the tutorial system: the jewel in the crown…182
text c: education, the nation-state, and global movement…188
learning skills: critical reading skills i…194

unit 8 education: teachers’ development
introduction: defining teaching and teacher education…201
text a: the novice teacher: armed and dangerous
—— a cautionary tale…203
text b: teaching teachers: professional development to improve student achievement…210
text c: an education president for the 21st century…218
learning skills: critical reading skills ii…225
unit 9 english language and teaching
introduction: approaches to language learning and teaching…232
text a: illiteracy at oxford and harvard: reflections on the inability to write…236
text b: tesol in china: current challenges…241
text c: from reading to writing, from elementary to graduate students…247
learning skills: academic writing skills…253

unit 10 learning model-inquiry learning
introduction: bibliography of henry viii…264
text a: handling henry viii…266
text b: the six wives of henry viii…274
text c: who were the early reformers in england?…288
learning skills: inquiry learning skills…296


教育文论选读 作者简介

