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商务英语泛读-(第一册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787563940288
  • 条形码:9787563940288 ; 978-7-5639-4028-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语泛读-(第一册) 本书特色


商务英语泛读-(第一册) 内容简介


商务英语泛读-(第一册) 目录

unit one company organization and management
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: what management is and why management is needed
  text b: time for the "big small" company
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit two corporate culture and office relationship
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: create a positive corporate culture
  text b: dealing with an office relationship
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit three human resources management
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: in-service training
  text b: job satisfaction and job promotion/raise in pay
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit four business documents
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: introduction of business documents
  text b: differences between business letters and business e-mail
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit five business conferences
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: conducting effective business conferences
  text b: business conference handout, report and etiquette
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit six business negotiation
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: the steps of business negotiation
  text b: the acceptance must be unconditional
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit seven business etiquette
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: business etiquette in pacific rim countries
  text b: etiquette and business etiquette
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit eight business travel
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: how to plan for business travel
  text b: business travel etiquette
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit nine marketing strategy
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: marketing strategy and marketing mix
  text b: branding and advertising
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time
unit ten finance management and control
 part one lead-in and warming-up
 part two texts
  text a: finance management and control
  text b: accounting
 part three business simulation
 part four fun time