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所属丛书: 最美丽英语
开本: 26cm 页数: 356
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最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:幸福像阳光一样 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787313118240
  • 条形码:9787313118240 ; 978-7-313-11824-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:幸福像阳光一样 本书特色

*美丽英语:幸福像阳光一样,是一部让亿万人获得幸福的心灵密码,是抚慰情感的心灵圣经,也是温暖千万心灵、改变千万人生的励志经典。本书所选篇章全面、丰富、经典,所选内容发人深省、引人人胜、耐人寻味、励人奋进。   本书包括幸福与感恩、宽容与亲情、爱情与友谊、轻松与谐趣、青春与梦想和挫折与成功等,涉及宽容、尊重、亲情、爱情、友谊、善良、感恩、幸福、做人、做事、挫折、成功等重大人生课题。这些文章可以使读者感到心灵的震撼,体味从容自信,又可以学习纯正的英语,提升英语阅读能力,提升自我,走向成功人生。

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:幸福像阳光一样 内容简介

★每天一篇英文,学习纯正地道的英语 ★英汉双语,提升英文修养水平 ★感人至深的英文故事,涤荡心灵,启迪人生智慧 ★实现人性的升华,开启阳光人生

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:幸福像阳光一样 目录

the direction of happiness/幸福的方向
the uncaredfor happiness/被忽略的快乐
the catalogue of happiness/人生幸福的目录
dont keep happiness away from us/别让幸福远离我们
the secret of happiness/幸福的秘密
the law of happy life/幸福生活的定律
the ways of happiness/幸福的方式
the door to happiness/幸福之门
happiness doesnt need a list/幸福不需要列单子
happiness lights your life/幸福点亮人生
where is happiness/幸福在哪里
i choose to be cheerful/我选择快乐
the mystery of happiness/幸福的奥秘
the power of a smile/微笑的力量
what does happiness come from/幸福来自什么
happiness is a flow of air/快乐是一种流动的空气
the source of happiness/幸福之源
the light of a smile/微笑的光芒
the essence of happiness/幸福的本质
he who can be moved will be happy/人能感动,就能幸福
happiness of saying thanks/感谢的快乐
keeping pleasant/保持快乐
happiness is like the sunshine/幸福像阳光一样
pleasure is a freedom song/快乐是一首自由的歌
world of smiles/微笑的世界
the value of smile/微笑的价值
smile at strangers/对陌生人微笑
where the sun always rises/太阳总在那里升起
keep walking in sunshine/常常走在阳光里
sunshine on a rainy day/雨天的阳光
the gold watch in the barn/谷仓里的金表
the goal of life/人生的目标
do one thing every day/每天做好一件事
another secret to success/成功的另一个秘诀
i can make it happen/我能做到
the danger of success/成功的危险
will inspired life/意志激励人生
a creed to live by/人生的信条
the secret of becoming rich/致富的秘诀
life lies in believing in yourself/人生在于相信自己
life lies in choosing/人生在于选择
the love of a hunchback/驼背的爱情
view in the heart/心中有景
the old man who planted oak trees/种橡树的老人
the pavilion in the heart/心中的亭子
spring is coming and i cannot see it/春天就要来了,我却无法看到
the oasis in the heart/心里的绿洲
spring is always within/春天总在心里
gifts from the heart/来自内心的礼物
the precious stone within/内心的宝石
a beautiful prayer/美丽的祈祷
the real meaning of peace/宁静的真谛
i have a dream/我有一个梦想
the gold in the orchard/果园里的金子
four seasons of a tree/树的四季
the upwind fragrance/逆风飘香
the moon still shines/月光依然照耀
looking for the gold/寻找金子
do you have a lighthouse in your heart/你心中有灯塔吗
the flowers that can speak/会说话的花儿
the flowers on the ruins/废墟上的花朵
a boy and flowers/男孩与鲜花
the flower never minds/花儿不会介意
the rose root/玫瑰花根
flowers and hope/鲜花与希望
a young flower in the desert/沙漠里的一朵小花
the rose within/心中的玫瑰
your mind is a garden/心是花园
the praise that changed the life/改变一生的赞美
the power of the violin/小提琴的力量
the miracle of the spring/春天的奇迹
bright heart/明亮的心
the reason of einsteins success/爱因斯坦成功的原因
if you can see it,you can be it/你能看到,就能做到
dig three feet deeper/再挖三英尺
we all can become angels/我们都能成为天使
the boy and the huge rock/男孩和巨石
a coin can also make you succeed/一枚硬币也能成功
a real one who panned the gold/真正的淘金人
the seeds of hope/希望的种子
the secret of success/成功的秘密
reaching the summit/攀登峰顶
a bag of seeds/一袋种子
the sound of waterfalls/瀑布的声音
christmas morning/圣诞节的早晨
the boy and a drop of dew/男孩与露珠
the mystery of success/成功的奥秘
the mountain doesnt come and ill go to it/山不过来,我就过去
open your mind/敞开心扉
play it again,dad/再弹一次,爸爸
the spring will come/春天一定会来
the discovery at the bend/拐弯处的发现
acres of diamonds/钻石宝地
the golden window/金色窗户
two acorns/两个橡果
pinkie victory over big iron hammer/以小搏大的成功之道
move back is also a success/退一步也是成功
the strength of success/成功的力量
confidence is the key of success/自信是成功的钥匙
dream to fly/飞翔之梦 
become what you wants to be/实现自己的梦想 
deal with obstacles now/现在就克服障碍 
a music lesson/一堂音乐课 
a car accident brought success/车祸带来的成功 
a simple idea from a billionaire/亿万富翁的简单想法 
the greatest hitter/*伟大的击球手 
a tencent

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:幸福像阳光一样 作者简介

