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博采英语听说教材参考书、 版权信息

博采英语听说教材参考书、 本书特色

本兹等编著的《博采英语听说教学参考书(全1 册第2版)》是全球权威elt教材。全新教学理念,语 言与文化的完美结合,全方位的 语言技能训练,多层次的学习能力与学习策略培养, 原汁原味的cnn节 目,丰富多彩的国际学习网站,帮助学习者走上独立 、成功的学习道 路,增强国际竞争实力。

博采英语听说教材参考书、 内容简介


博采英语听说教材参考书、 目录

tapestry listening & speaking 1 instructor's manual
 note to teachers
 answer keys
  chapter 1: meetings and greetings
  chapter 2: finding your way
  chapter 3: a full life
  chapter 4: it's raining cats and dogs
  chapter 5: to your health
  chapter 6: a human rainbow
  chapter 7: my hero
  chapter 8: get a job!
  chapter 9: all in the family
  chapter 10: the future is now!
  chapter quizzes
  chapter 1: meetings and greetings
  chapter 2: finding your way
  chapter 3: a full life
  chapter 4: it's raining cats and dogs
  chapter 5: to your health
  chapter 6: a human rainbow
  chapter 7: my hero
  chapter 8: get a job!
  chapter 9: all in the family
  chapter 10: the future is now
 quiz answer keys
 teacher's script for quizzes
tapestry listening & speaking 2 instructor's manual
 note to teachers
 how to use a sample chapter
 answer keys
  chapter 1: the whole world is your classroom
  chapter 2: change and choice
  chapter 3: this is who i am
  chapter 4: health: getting the most out of life
  chapter 5: when cultures meet
  chapter 6: what do you mean? thought and communication
  chapter 7: making friends and finding love
  chapter 8: tell me what i want:advertising... and shopping
  chapter 9: what's in the news?
  chapter 10: planethood
  chapter quizzes
  chapter 1: the whole world is your classroom
  chapter 2: change and choice
  chapter 3: this is who i am
  chapter 4: health: getting the most out of life
  chapter 5: when cultures meet
  chapter 6: what do you mean?thought and communication
  chapter 7: making friends and finding love
  chapter 8: tell me what i want:advertising... and shopping
  chapter 9: what's in the news?
  chapter 10: planethood
 quiz answer keys
 teacher's script for quizzes
tapestry listening & speaking 3 instructor's manual
 note to teachers
 answer keys
  chapter 1: school daze
  chapter 2: walking a mile in another person's moccasins--cross-cultural communication
  chapter 3: i understand exactly what i think you said!
  chapter 4: crossing the line
  chapter 5: my slice of the pie
  chapter 6: i said it my way
  chapter 7: it's not easy being good
  chapter 8: scientifically speaking
  chapter 9: the nature of things--environmental concerns
  chapter 10: all stressed out and no place to go
  chapter quizzes
  chapter 1: school daze
  chapter 2: walking a mile in another person's moccasins--cross-cultural communication
  chapter 3: i understand exactly what i think you said!
  chapter 4: crossing the line
  chapter 5: my slice of the pie
  chapter 6: i said it my way
  chapter 7: it's not easy being good
  chapter 8: scientifically speaking
  chapter 9: the nature of things--environmental concerns
  chapter 10: all stressed out and no place to go
 quiz answer keys
tapestry listening & speaking 4 instructor's manual
 note to teachers
 answer keys
  chapter 1: small talk--not deep, but important
  chapter 2: high-tech communication--a curse or a blessing?
  chapter 3: humor--can laughter be the best medicine?
  chapter 4: academic dishonesty--how common is cheating?
  chapter 5: exporting american culture--mcdonaldization of the world?
  chapter 6: medical ethics--should doctors ever lie?
  chapter 7: the time bind--are twenty-four hours a day enough?
  chapter 8: marketing techniques--are we really influenced?
  chapter 9: being an immigrant--culture shock and adaptation
  chapter 10: changes on earth--it's not what it used to be
  chapter quizzes
 quiz answer keys