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英语听力教程-3-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 版权信息

英语听力教程-3-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 内容简介

  《英语听力教程3(学生用书 第3版)》共包括11个单元,内容为人们日常生活及语言交际中*常用的话题,听说训练重点为提纲拟列和大意归纳,同时复习和强化关键词的选择和要点记录等单项技能。每单元由7部分组成:**部分为准备性练习,主要包括预习生词、听单句和短小的对话;第二和第三部分为贯穿某项技能和微技能的训练;第四部分的听力材料多为相关领域的热门话题或科技新发展介绍;第五部分为语言真实性较高的听力材料;第六部分是对本单元的生词和词组进行归纳;第七部分是看视频判断对错。  《英语听力教程3(学生用书 第3版)》主要供课内精听使用。

英语听力教程-3-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 目录

Unit 1 The Earth at Risk
Part I Getting ready
Part II The Earth at risk (I)
Part III The Earth at risk (II)
Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming
Part V Do you know...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 2 Wildlife Conservation
Part I Getting ready
Part II Christmas bird counts
Part III Dolphin captivity
Part IV More about the topic: Wildlife in Danger
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 3 Reports on Disasters & Accidents
Part I Getting ready
Part II Hurricanes & tornadoes
Part III Earthquakes
Part IV More about the topic: Safety near School
Part V Do you kow ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch & enjoy

Unit 4 Have a Nice Trip.
Part I Getting ready
Part II Canada
Part III Traveling around Australia
Part IV More about the topic: The Story of Denver
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
PartVII Watch and enjoy

Unit 5 Meet People from around the World
Part I Getting ready
Part II New Zealanders
Part III What do you think of Britain
Part IV More about the topic: Native Peoples of Alaska
Part V Do you know...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch & enjoy

Unit 6 Find the Right Words
Part I Getting ready
Part II Skills to communicate bad news
Part III Foreign accents
Part IV More about the topic: Love and Grammar
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 7 A Kaleidoscope of Culture
Part I Getting ready
Part II Times Square
Part III Americans love chocolate
Part IV More about the topic: Bullfighting
PartV Doyou know...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 8 The Sound of Music
Part I Getting ready
Part II Slumdog Millionaire
Part III Karen Kain —— a Canadian ballerina
Part IV More about the topic: Beethoven V
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 9 Romancing the Stone
Part I Getting ready
Part II "The Scream"
Part III TajMahal
Part IV More about the topic: British Sculptures Now and Then
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 10 A Glimpse of the Age
Part I Getting ready
Part II Standing on the moon
Part III Nelson Mandela —— The Father of Modem South Africa
Part IV More about the topic: World Wars I & II
Part V Do you know ...?
Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
Part VII Watch and enjoy

Unit 11 Review
Activity I National Geographic Society
Activity II Earthquake tips
Activity III Learning a language in another country
Activity IV The Oscar Award and others
Activity V An anecdote
Activity VI Disaster
Activity VII Pets
Activity VIII Watch and enjoy

英语听力教程-3-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 节选

  《英语听力教程3(学生用书 第3版)》:  Climate change is having a profound effect on ecosystems around the world, upsetting and altering the lives of numerous species of animals. As temperatures continue to rise, it's unclear whether all species will be able to adapt enough to survive, especially as other species in their ecosystems adapt by getting smaller or larger.   In the following report, you will learn some facts about the giant panda, an endangered species in China. Listen carefully and supply the missing information.   There are roughly ____ pandas living in the wild, mainly in the mountain forests of ____ China. Bamboo is their ____ food. And they eat up to ____ kg a day. But some species of the plant take many years to grow, which means they don't adapt to climate change. Scientists are now predicting that an increasing temperature of even ____ ℃ will kill off the species the pandas need to survive. One of the study's authors is Professor Jack Lu of Michigan State University. "Even by the ____ of the century, this century, the impact will be very obvious. And by the ____ of the century, in many areas, ____ percent of this bamboo will be gone. And that's really a dramatic impact that people have not realized".Reducing global warming is the long-term solution and creating new panda habitats is another. It may also be possible to introduce new species of bamboo that are ____ . But unfortunately, pandas are notoriously ____ eaters and may reject even a slight change to their diet.  ……
