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汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550506015
  • 条形码:9787550506015 ; 978-7-5505-0601-5
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 本书特色


汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 内容简介

  元曲作为元代的代表性文学体裁,享有和唐诗宋词同样的盛誉,得到后世的高度评价。本书着意选取了50篇元曲,逐篇进行详细的文字注释和曲文鉴赏。本书不仅关注元曲小令,还特别关注套曲,如《高祖还乡》,以及剧曲,如《西厢记》、《窦娥冤》选段。本书选目广赅,覆盖了元曲的各种体裁形式,对元代前、中、后期的代表曲作亦平衡涉猎,并无偏废。北京大学资深翻译家许渊冲教授、北京交通大学资深翻译家钟良明教授,共同完成了本书的所有翻译工作。二位教授的精彩译文,为本书增色良多。   本书配有大量的精致的绘画插图,又兼具文学知识普及和诗歌文本欣赏的双重功能,是中国古典诗歌爱好者、翻译者、研究者的不可多得的理想文学读物,亦是中西方文化传播与交流实践的*佳结晶。 该系列其他图书是:汉英双讲中国古诗100首和汉英双讲中国古词50首。

汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 目录

元好问 yuan haowen  人月圆·卜居外家东园 (重冈已隔红尘断)  tune: man and moon  moving to my mother's east garden  "hill on hill keeps apart the vanity fair"  小圣乐·骤雨打新荷 (绿叶阴浓)  tune: minor sacred music  sudden shower beating on new lotus leaves  "green leaves casting deep shade"杨果 yang guo  小桃红·采莲女 (满城烟水月微茫)  tune: red peach blossoms  the lotus gatherer  "the dimming moon o'er mist-veiled town and water looms"杜仁杰 du renjie  耍孩儿·庄家不识构阑 (风调雨顺民安乐)  tune: playing the child  a peasant knows not the theatre  "people live happy when in time blows wind and falls rain"商挺 shang ting  潘妃曲 (带月披星担惊怕)  tune: song of princess pan  "shivering with fright"刘秉忠 liu bingzhong  干荷叶 (干荷叶)  tune: dried lotus leaves  "lotus leaves dried"陈草庵 chen cao'an  山坡羊·叹世 (晨鸡初叫)  tune: sheep on the slope  o world!  "at dawn cock crows"关汉卿 guan hanqing  沉醉东风·别情 (咫尺的天南地北)  tune: intoxicated in east wind  farewell song  "we stand so near yet we'll be poles apart soon"  四块玉·闲适 (南亩耕)  tune: four pieces of jade  life of easy leisure  "having tilled the southern field"  杂剧《窦娥冤》第三折选段 (没来由犯王法)  dou e as victim of injustice (the following is from act iii)  "of law breaking i never dreamt"白朴 bai pu  天净沙  tune: sunny sand  沉醉东风·渔夫 (黄芦岸白渡口)  tune: intoxicated in east wind  fisherman  "the river shore overgrown with yellow reed"姚燧 yao sui  凭阑人·寄征衣 (欲寄征衣君不还)  tune: leaning on balustrade  the winter garment  "if i send winter garment to thee"王和卿 wang heqing  醉中天·咏大蝴蝶 (挣破庄周梦)  tune: a drinker's sky  song of a huge butterfly  "breaking a philosopher's dream"卢挚 lu zhi  沉醉东风·秋景 (挂绝壁枯松倒倚)  tune: intoxicated in east wind  autumn  "the frowning cliff thrusts out a bending ancient pine"马致远 ma zhiyuan  天净沙·秋思 (枯藤老树昏鸦)  tune: sunny sand  autumn thoughts  "over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly crows"  四块玉·叹世 (两鬓皤)  tune: four pieces of jade  o world!  "grey turns my hair"  夜行船·秋思 (蛩吟罢一觉才宁贴)  tune: night-sailing boat  autumn thoughts  "when crickets sing, i can sleep well"王实甫 wang shifu  《西厢记》第四本第三折《哭宴》选段(不忧文齐福不齐)  weeping at the farewell feast (from act ⅲof scene ⅳ, western wingroom)  “i care not if your talent won't build a career"  十二月过尧民歌·别情 (自别后遥山隐隐)  from a year's end to folklore  parting grief  "since we parted, far-flung hills disappear with you"薛昂夫 xue angfu  塞鸿秋 (功名万里忙如燕)  tune: autumn swan on frontier  "busy for far-flung fame as swallows in flight"张养浩 zhang yanghao  山坡羊·潼关怀古 (峰峦如聚) 116  tune: sheep on the slope  thinking of the past on my way to tong pass  "peaks like brows knit"真氏 zhen  解三酲 (奴本是明珠擎掌)  tune: thrice drunk and sobered  "i was a bright pearl in my parents' palm"张可久 zhang kejiu  折桂令·西陵送别 (画船儿载不起离愁)  tune: plucking laurel branch  farewell at the west ferry  "our parting grief outweighs your painted boat"  喜春来·永康驿中 (荷盘敲雨珠千颗)  tune: welcome to spring  at an inn in yongkang  "rain beats on lotus leaves drop on drop"徐再思 xu zaisi  朝天子·西湖 (里湖,外湖)  tune: skyward song  west lake  "in inner lake and outer lake"周德清 zhou deqing  折桂令 (倚蓬窗无语嗟呀)  tune: plucking laurel branch  "leaning on windowsill, speechless i sigh"  满庭芳·看岳王传 (披文握武)  tune: courtyard full of fragrance  reading the biography of general yue  "by word and sword"钟嗣成 zhong sicheng  醉太平·落魄 (之一)(绕前街后街)  tune: intoxicated in time of peace  a beggar-scholar (ⅰ)  “i go along the street "  醉太平·落魄 (之二)(风流贫*好)  tune: intoxicated in time of peace  a beggar-scholar (ⅱ)  "the poor may be happy in love"赵善庆 zhao shanqing  折桂令·湖山堂 (八窗开水月交光)  tune: plucking laurel branch  hall of lake and hill  "outside eight windows water dissolves in moonlight"张鸣善 zhang mingshan  普天乐·嘲西席 (讲诗书,习功课)  tune: universal joy  to a funny tutor  "you teach pupils to read and write"睢景臣 sui jingchen  哨遍·高祖还乡 (社长排门告示)  tune: whistling around  emperor's home-coming  "the village chief announces from door to door"乔吉 qiao ji  山坡羊·冬日写怀 (朝三暮四)  tune: sheep on the slope  thoughts in winter  "you change along"  小桃红·效联珠格 (落花飞絮隔朱帘) 191  tune: red peach blossoms  tip-to-toe style  "petals fall with willow down outside the screen"贯云石 guan yunshi  塞鸿秋·代人作 (战西风几点宾鸿至)  tune: autumn swan on frontier  written for a friend  "in the west breeze shiver a few dots of wild geese"  红绣鞋 (挨着靠着云窗同坐)  tune: embroidered red shoes  "to you i cling, on you i lean"查德卿 zha deqing  柳营曲·金陵故址 (临故国)  tune: song of willow camp  the ancient capital at jinling  "coming to ancient capital"唐毅夫 tang yifu  一枝花·怨雪 (不呈六出祥)  tune: a sprig of flowers  complaint against snow  "is snow of any good?"班惟志 ban weizhi  一枝花·秋夜闻筝 (透疏帘风摇杨柳阴)  tune: a sprig of flowers  the zither heard on an autumn night  "on window screen the breeze sways shadows of willow trees"宋方壶 song fanghu  山坡羊·道情 (青山相待)  tune: sheep on the slope  a carefree dream  "blue hills greet and love me"  斗鹌鹑·送别 (落日遥岑)  tune: fight of quails  parting  "at sunset stretch out distant hills"兰楚芳 lan chufang  四块玉·风情  tune: four pieces of jade  a maid in love无名氏一 anon 1  朝天子·志感 (不读书有权)  tune: skyward song  reflections  "those who can't read are powerful"无名氏二 anon 2  红绣鞋 (一两句别人闲话)  tune: embroidered red shoes  "you have heard one gossip or two"无名氏三 anon 3  庆宣和 (寄语寒窗老秀才)  tune: celebration of imperial reign  "i tell the old unsuccessful candidate"无名氏四 anon 4  折桂令 (叹世间多少痴人)  tune: plucking laurel branch  "how many in the world are people unwise?"无名氏五 anon 5  叨叨令 (黄尘万古长安路)  tune: chattering song  "yellow dust raised on royal road since olden days"无名氏六 anon 6  寄生草 (有几句知心话,本待要诉与他)  tune: parasite grass  "i would impart to you what's in my heart"无名氏七 anon 7  梧叶儿  tune: plane leaves

汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 相关资料


汉英双讲中国元曲50篇 作者简介

作者简介:   许渊冲,诗译英、法语唯一人,北京大学教授,翻译家。在国内外出版中、英、法文著译六十本,包括《诗经》、《楚辞》、《李白诗选》、《西厢记》、《红与黑》、《包法利夫人》、《追忆似水年华》等中外名著,是有史以来将中国历代诗词译成英、法韵文的唯一专家。1999年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。2010年被评为全国翻译行业最高荣誉奖“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。   高民,北京交通大学教授,硕士研究生导师。中华诗词学会会员。重要研究领域之一是中国古代文学史,特别是古典诗歌的研究与鉴赏。主要作品有《中国古代诗歌概论与名篇欣赏》、《千古桃源梦:陶渊明的故事》等多部专著和教材。   钟良明,北京交通大学外语系主任,教授、硕士生导师。著名英语专家、教育家。  
