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荒山之恋 版权信息

荒山之恋 本书特色

《荒山之恋》试图制造的环境与背景之中的男女关系。意图是男女关系其实不是孤立地发生的,而是时间和人,正巧走到一个交合点上,是一种机遇的性质,所以,故事是在四个人中间展开的,男女主角分头走过各自的生活,在某一点上相逢。   this novel is based on real events the author observed during the cultural revolution and her days of manual labor in the countryside. wang takes the basic facts of this tragic tale of extra-marital love and develops them into a tale of universal power. with her rare insight and great descriptive powers, she reveals the way in which a restrictive society, the power of love can turn destructive.

荒山之恋 内容简介

西语版“中国当代文学精选”丛书选择一批中国当代重要作家的代表作品,介绍给西班牙语读者。通过这些作品,西班牙语读者可以欣赏中国当代文学的多种流派、风格,看到中国所经历的历史进程与社会变迁,直观感受当代中国的生活场景,深入了解中国人的精神世界。我们希望通过这套丛书,不断将优秀的中国文学作品传播到西班牙语世界,让西班牙语世界的4亿多读者分享当代中国文学的灿烂成果。目前已推出《暗算》《一九四二》等21种,共计30种。   china’s contemporary literature (spanish) has achieved great success. since the 80s of the 20th century, many talented writers have been offering their excellent works. the best example is mo yan, winner of the nobel prize of literature in 2012. in the collection “jewels of china contemporary literature”, we have selected a number of works of chinese prestigious writers to present to the hispanic readers. through these books, you can know the different styles and trends in china’s contemporary literature, witness the historical and social changes that this country is living and enter into the spiritual world of chinese people. with this collection, we offer 400 million spanish-speaking readers the best literature of modern china and share the joy of reading with them.

荒山之恋 作者简介

王安忆,中国当代著名女作家,1954年3月出生于南京,中国作家协会副主席、复旦大学中文系教授,是中国当代在海内外都享有很高声誉的女作家,被视为文革后,自1980年代中期起盛行于中国文坛的“知青文学”、“寻根文学”等文学创作类型的代表性作家。王安忆的作品主要有小说、散文、儿童文学作品等等,代表作品有《长恨歌》《小鲍庄》《流逝》《富萍》等等。   Wang Anyi was born in Nanjing in 1954 but grew up in Shanghai. She is among the most widely read and anthologized authors of the post-Mao era, a breaker of taboos and a speaker for China’s younger generation. Among Wang’s acclaimed Shanghai novels is the nostalgic Changhen Ge (The Song of Everlasting Sorrow)(1996). Voted the most influential work of the 1990s in China, it won the fifth Mao Dun Literature Award in 2000, one China’s most prestigious literary prizes. It has been adapted for television, stage and screen.
