英语大书虫世界经典名译典藏书系:中国人的精神 (英汉对照)(精选权威版本)
The secret garden
跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west 版权信息
- ISBN:9787544634830
- 条形码:9787544634830 ; 978-7-5446-3483-0
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west 本书特色
在多元文化相互交融的21世纪,人们越来越真切地意识到,“跨文化交际”作为构建跨文化社会身份的社会资本,在全球化的宏大叙事中享有独特的话语权,肩负着跨越文化边界、超越自我、超越对立并*终实现和谐人类社会的责任和义务。但作为21世纪全球化的建设者,我们尚未做好充分准备,仍不习惯以全球化为背景,从跨文化的视角来观察、审视、诠释并参与“地球村”概念越加真实的21世纪的社会生活。 贝茨·霍弗、贾玉新、本名信行、宋莉编著的《跨文化交际--东西方对话/外教社跨文化交际丛书》汇集了近几十年中外学者对跨文化交际理论与实践的探索与思考。其具体内容涉及跨文化交际的核心问题和研究视角、跨文化交际理论、文化相对论与文化多元性、跨文化交际能力、跨文化冲突管理以及跨文化交际研究在教育领域的应用等。《跨文化交际--东西方对话/外教社跨文化交际丛书》内容在展现中外学者跨文化交际研究智慧的同时,更为广大学界读者深刻了解自己和他者的文化、学会在不同文化话语体系之间进行比较和参照提供了宝贵的平台。希望通过研读《跨文化交际--东西方对话/外教社跨文化交际丛书》,读者不仅乐于关注跨文化交际中“词语(word )”层面的知识,而且开始自觉关注“寰宇(world )”层面的知识,以便在跨文化交际中做到胸有成竹,游刃有余,张弛有度,运用自如。
跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west 内容简介
跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west 目录
overview:problems and perspectives
1.the future of cross cultural communication:perspective of 20 years of the iaics
2.china's intercultural communication studies:its current status and problems
3.towards a comprehensive perspective for intercultural communication study 45
4.discourse identity,social identity,and confusion in intercultural communication
ron scollon
5.the framework of cultural space
6.sociolinguistic approach to intercultural communication
7.cultural identification,cultural identity and communication
8.hierarchical manifestation in intercultural communication
9.intercultural communication and global democracy:a de-weyan perspective
ethno-relativnly and multiculturalism
10.on the multiculturalism of asian englishes
11.0n chinese indirectness:a multi.dimensional exploration
12.changes in the cultural arguments of chinese political leaders
13.politeness phenomena in japanese intercultural business communication
14.reconstructing eastern paradigms of discourse studies
15.a contrastive study of requests in chinese and american cultures
intercultural communicative competencies
16.intercultural nonverbal communication(in)competence
17.when shyness is not incompetence:a case of thai communication competence
18.a contrastive analysis of chinese and american views about silence and debate
19.understanding strategic competence for intercultural communication
20.multimodal manifestation of conceptual metaphors in multimedia communication
21.intercultural communication between japanese and thais through discrepancies in images
management of conflict
22.analyzing an intercultural conflict case study:application of a social ecological perspective
23.intercultural sensitivity and conflict management styles in cross. cultural organizational situations
24.dealing with chinese negotiating partners:a cross。cultural co-operation strategy
25.how to avoid language conflict in europe in the third millennium
26.reporting on sino.japan conflicts in the new york times:a
critical discourse analysis
the educationalcomxxi
27.intercultural dialogicality between lcl and lc2 in the efl/esl classroom
28.covert culture in the foreign language classroom:confronting contrast in target and base mindsets
29.an analysis of language use and topic management in business decision-making meeting
30.do they tell stories differently?:discourse marker use by chinese native speakers and nonnative speakers
31.intercultural communication education and foreign language
education:shared precedents,procedures,and prospects
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