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Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例

Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例

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Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511722010
  • 条形码:9787511722010 ; 978-7-5117-2201-0
  • 装帧:80g轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例 本书特色


Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例 内容简介


Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例 目录

chapter one  introduction
  1.1  background to this research
  1.2  purpose of this research
  1.3  general approach and research questions
  1.4  organization of the book
chapter two  literature review
  2.1  evolving process of terrorism
  2.2  definitions of terrorism
  2.2, 1  academic definitions
  2.2.2  us definitions of terrorism
  2.2.3  eu definitions
  2.2.4  un definition
  2.2.5  definition of terrorism in this book
  2.3  previous approaches to terrorism
  2, 3.1  non-linguistic approaches
  2.3.2  linguistic approaches
  2.4  limitations of previous research
chapter three  critical discourse analysis  
 3.1  philosophical basis of cda
  3.1. l  gramsci
  3.1.2  althusser
  3.1.3  foucauh
  3.1.4  bourdieu
 3.2  linguistic basis of cda
  3.2.1  sociolinguisties
  3.2.2  pragmaties
  3.2.3  non-neutrality in grammar
 3.3  systemic functional grammar and cda
  3.3. l  system
  3.3.2  functions
 3.4  from critical linguistics to cda
  3.4.1  critical linguistics
  3.4.2 shift to cda
 3.5  central concepts of cda
  3.5. l  discourse
  3.5.2  critical
  3.5, 3  power
  3.5.4  ideology
  3, 5.5  principles of cda
  3.5.6  goals in theory and practice
  3.6  representative approaches in cda
  3.6.1  norman fairelough
  3.6.2  van dijk
  3.6.3  ruth wodak
  3.7  summary
chapter four  cognitive linguistics
  4.1  central hypotheses
  4.2  experientialism
  4.2.1  embodiment of meaning
  4.2.2  the central role of meaning
  4.2.3  encyclopedic nature of meaning
  4.2.4  mental imagery and construal
  4.3  categorization
  4.3.1  classic categories and prototypes
  4.3.2  categorization and reasoning
  4.3.3  influence of linguistic categorization on thinking
  4.3.4  dynamicity of categorization and ideology
  4.3.5  categorization and stereotypes
  4.3.6  binary oppositions in categorization
  4.4  metaphor
  4.4.1  conceptual metaphor
  4.4, 2  metaphor and culture
  4.4.3  metaphor and ideology
  4.4.4  social consequences of metaphor
  4.5  conceptual metonymy
  4.5.1  conceptual nature of metonymy
  4.5.2  experiential basis of metonymy
  4.6  conceptual integration
  4.7  summary
chapter five  research design and methodology
  5.1  research design
  5.1.1  corpus-based approach
  5.1.2  source of data
  5.1.3  method of data collection
 5.2  critical metaphor analysis
  5.2.1  identification
  5.2.2  interpretation
  5.2.3  explanation
  5.2.4  steps of analysis
chapter six  data analysis: conceptual metaphors of terrorimn
 6.1  war metaphor
 6.2  religion metaphor
  6.2.1  terrorism is islam
  6.2.2  terrorim is evil
 6.3  lawlessness metaphor
 6.4  barbarism metaphor
  6.4.1  terrorism is tyranny
  6.4.2  terrorism is savage
 6.5  dehumanization metaphor
  6.5.1  terrorism is hunted animal
  6.5.2  terrorism 1s insect
  6.5.3  terrorism is disease
chapter seven  power of metaphors to demonize terrorism
  7.1  power of conceptual metaphor in pohtical discourse 
  7.1.1  legifimization and reification
  7.1.2  suppressing alternative views
  7.2  faces of terrorism
  7.2.1  evil stranger
  7.2.2  faceless animals
  7.2.3  enemy of god
  7.2.4  barbarian
 7.3  stereotypes of terrorism
  7.3.1  stereotype is categorization
  7.3.2  stereotypes of enemy
  7.3.3  consolidation of stereotypes
chapter eight  consequences of metaphor
 8.1  mass media and the govermment
  8.1.1  the propaganda model
  8.1.2  relationship between mass media and the government
 8.2  discourse of fear
  8.2.1  impact of discourse of fear
  8.2.2  fear after 9.11
 8.3  power of language : from discourse to genocide
  8.3.1  confusion between muslim and terrorism
  8.3.2  violations of human rights
  8.3.3  path to genocide
chapter nine  conclusion
 9.1  major findings
 9.2  limitations
 9.3  suggestions for further research

Demonizing the Enemy-恐怖主义形象的语言学研究:以《纽约时报》为例 作者简介

