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英语听力教程-1-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 版权信息

英语听力教程-1-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 内容简介

《英语听力教程》(Listen This Way )(第三版)主要适用于高等院校英语专业一至三年级学生,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业学生及相当水平的英语学习者。

英语听力教程-1-第三版-(学生用书)-随书附赠学习光盘 目录

Unit ICan I Take a Message Part I Getting ready Part II Giving and receiving phone calls Part III "I'd like to speak to..." Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday Present Part V Memory test: "Oh, There's a Phone." Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 2 Clear or Cloudy Part I Getting ready Part II Weather reports Part III At a bus stop Part IV More about the topic: Weather Language Part V Memory test: Effects of Weather Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 3 Can Time Move Backward Part I Getting ready Part II "Ladies and gentlemen" Part III Killing time Part IV More about the topic: Daylight-saving Time Part V Memory test: Radio Announcement Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 4 Flying In and Out Part I Getting ready Part II Airport announcements Part III A trip to the States Part IV More about the topic: In-flight Service Part V Memory test: Airline Information Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 5 By Bus or by Train Part I Getting ready Part II At the railway station Part III "Why are we waiting here " Part IV More about the topic: Grand Central Terminal Part V Memory test: Bus Information Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 6 This Way or That Way Part I Getting ready Part II Reading maps Part III Route Part IV More about the topic: Travel Log Part V Memory test: Tour of Kyoto Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 7 Cash or Cheque Part I Getting ready Part II Using a bank account Part III Making phone calls to chase late payments Part IV More about the topic: Banking at Home Part V Memory test: Setting Up Your Own Business Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 8 Spending Money Wisely Part I Getting ready Part II How do children spend their money Part III Shopaholics Part IV More about the topic: Mail Order Part V Memory test: Radio Advertisements Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 9 Dining at Home and Eating Out Part I Getting ready Part II Fast food survey Part III Restaurant charm Part IV More about the topic: Dealing with Growth Part V Memory test: Ordering Pizza Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 10 DearDoctor Part I Getting ready Part II A visit to the doctor Part III Recognizing medical emergencies Part IV More about the topic: At a Party Part V Memory test: Sleeping Problem Part VI Reminder of key points Part VII Watch and enjoyUnit 11 Review Activity I Short conversations Activity II Numbers and prices Activity III Announcements Activity IV Addresses Activity V Telephone messages Activity VI Weather forecast Activity VII Spot dictation Activity VIII Watch and enjoyVideoscript