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通信与信息工程专业英语教程-(第2版) 版权信息

通信与信息工程专业英语教程-(第2版) 本书特色


通信与信息工程专业英语教程-(第2版) 内容简介


通信与信息工程专业英语教程-(第2版) 目录


lesson 0  科技英语的基础知识

    0.1  科技英语中的几个关键问题

        (some key problems in scientific and technical english)

         0.1.1  词汇(vocabularies or words)

         0.1.2  虚义词(form words)

         0.1.3  长句(long sentences)

    0.2  翻译的准则(criteria of translation)

    0.3  翻译中的变换(changes in translation)

         0.3.1  词类的变换(changes between word classes)

         0.3.2  词序的变换(changes in word order)

         0.3.3  省略(ellipsis)

         0.3.4  补充(supplements)

         0.3.5  引申(extensions)

    0.4  关于数量(numbers and quantities)

         0.4.1  数制(number systems)

         0.4.2  量词的缩写(abbreviations about numbers)

         0.4.3  关于数量的增减(about increase and decrease)

    0.5  数学符号与数学式(mathematic symbols and expressions)

         0.5.1  常用数学符号(mathematic symbols)

         0.5.2  常用希腊字母(grecian letters)

         0.5.3  常用数学式(mathematic expressions)

    0.6  论文标题与摘要的写作(how to write a thesis)

         0.6.1  论文标题(how to write the title)

         0.6.2  论文摘要(how to write the abstract)

         0.6.3  论文摘要的常用句型(some useful patterns used in the abstract)

         0.6.4  例子(examples)

lesson 1  introduction to electronic communications

    1.1  historical perspective 

    1.2  electronic communications systems 

    1.3  the electromagnetic spectrum

    1.4  bandwidth and information capacity

    reading material

lesson 2  information sources

    2.1  speech and music

    2.2  pictures

    2.3  computer data

    2.4  noise

    reading material

lesson 3  information systems

    3.1  information and data

    3.2  information system

    3.3  computerbased information system

    3.4  business information systems

    reading material

lesson 4  signal generation 

    4.1  lc circuits

    4.2  oscillators

    4.3  integratedcircuit waveform generation

    4.4  digital waveform generation

    reading material

lesson 5  random processes

    5.1  introduction 

    5.2  mathematical definition of a random process

    5.3  stationary process

    5.4  mean, correlation, and covariance functions

    5.5  ergodic processes

    5.6  gaussian process

    reading material

lesson 6  amplitude modulation transmission

    6.1  principles of amplitude modulation

    6.2  singleside band modulation

    6.3  generation of ssb waves

    6.4  weaver ssb frequency shifting technique

    reading material

lesson 7  angle modulation

    7.1  representation of pm and fm signals

    7.2  spectra of anglemodulated signals

    7.3  narrowband angle modulation

    7.4  wideband frequency modulation

    7.5  preemphasis and deemphasis in anglemodulated systems

    reading material

lesson 8  video communications

    8.1  overview of video communication

    8.2  typical video applications

    8.3  communication networks

    reading material

lesson 9  transmission lines

    9.1  types of transmission lines

    9.2  transmissionline wave propagation

    9.3  timedomain reflectometry

    reading material

lesson 10  electromagnetic wave propagation

    10.1  introduction

    10.2  optical properties of radio waves

    10.3  terrestrial propagation of electromagnetic waves

    reading material

lesson 11  antennas and waveguides

    11.1  introduction

    11.2  antenna terminology and definitions

    11.3  antenna arrays and array antenna[14]

    11.4  waveguides

    reading material

lesson 12  optical fiber communications

    12.1  fibers in communications

    12.2  fiberoptic communication equipment

    12.3  transmitters operational considerations

    12.4  wdm systems

    reading material

lesson 13  digital modulation

    13.1  introduction

    13.2  factors that influence the choice of digital modulation

    13.3  binary modulated bandpass signaling

    13.4  multilevel modulated bandpass signaling

    reading material

lesson 14  data communications, codes error control

    14.1  introduction

    14.2  data communications circuits

    14.3  data communications codes

    14.4  error control

    reading material

lesson 15  communication networks

    15.1  telephone networks

    15.2  computer networks

    15.3  cable television networks

    15.4  wireless networks

    reading material

lesson 16  software radio

    16.1  introduction

    16.2  characters of a software radio

    16.3  the rf frontend

    16.4  smart antennas

    16.5  digital generation of signals

    reading materia


通信与信息工程专业英语教程-(第2版) 作者简介

 陈杰美,电子科技大学老师,1960年毕业于成都电讯工程学院,1987年获丹麦技术大学博士,1988被聘为电子科技大学教授。 讲授课程:电子测量仪器、电子测量技术、信号与系统、数字信号处理、随机信号与系统、传感器、模拟电路、通信电路、专业英语
