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交通运输专业英语 版权信息

交通运输专业英语 本书特色

    《交通运输专业英语(高等教育十二五规划教材) 》(作者贾晓燕、杨菊花)针对交通运输专业特点,结 合铁路行车组织、铁路客运组织和铁路货运组织等的 发展特点,分别 介绍了铁路机车车辆管理、高速铁路、限制口能力、 多式联运、移动闭塞信号、集装化运输、列车运行图 、 车流管理、改善编组作业和繁忙线路管理等问题,构 建了该专业完整的专业英语体系。      书中每个单元后均设置了对应的专业词汇表、长 难句翻译和句子分析,为理解全文提供了相应的支撑 和参考。另外,全书12个单元后均附有对应的辅助阅 读材料,对于扩大学生的阅读量、拓宽教材的专业覆 盖面等具有较好的效果。      《交通运输专业英语(高等教育十二五规划教材) 》可作为高等院校交通运输和物流工程等专业的教材 或参考书,亦可作为交通运输、物流、集装箱 等相关部门干部、职工的培训和学习用书。

交通运输专业英语 内容简介


交通运输专业英语 目录

unit 1 railway rollingostock planning
 part 1 text
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the tlext
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 2 signalling and train control on high speed railways
 part 1 tlext
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text一
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 3 the throat capacity of railway stations in china
 part 1 tlext
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 4 intermodal transportation
 part 1 tbxt
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 5 movingblock signalling
 part 1 tlext
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to meilext
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 6 high speed railway
 part 1 tbxt
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 7 containerization
 part l tlext
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the tbxt
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 8 train scheduling
 part 1 text
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the tlext
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 9 increasing the weights and speeds of trains
 part 1 text
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the tbxt
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 10 managing the wagon flows
 part 1 text
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit ii main directions in intensifying classification operations
 part l text
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the tlext
 part 4 supplementary reading text
unit 12 main factors affecting the operation of lines with heavy tramc
 part 1 tlext
 part 2 new words and expressions
 part 3 notes to the text
 part 4 supplementary reading text