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实用警务英语拓展教程 版权信息

实用警务英语拓展教程 本书特色

《实用警务英语拓展教程》共由12个单元组成,每单元包括情景对话、看图说话和文化背景知识三部分。每部分配有相应的口头及笔头练习。练习的设计兼具实用性和针对性,便于学习者对所学知识进行复习、巩固。 《实用警务英语拓展教程》所涉及的范围主要包括国际交流与合作、治安、刑侦、出入境管理、禁毒、交通管理、武器、集团犯罪、网络安全、公安科技、森林消防、野生动植物鉴定与保护等内容。

实用警务英语拓展教程 内容简介


实用警务英语拓展教程 目录

unit one  international cooperation
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  a phone call to cancel an appointment
  dialogue 2  received at an airport
  dialogue 3  a visit to the national central bureau (ncb) of the: i nterpol in beijing
  dialogue 4  case discussion at the international criminal court (icc)
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    the interpol global complex for innovation
unit two  police weapons
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  talk on police pistols
  dialogue 2  in a police station weapons room
  dialogue 3  in the interrogation room
  dialogue 4  tear-bomb and plastic bomb
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    police equipment and duty belt
unit three  traffic control and safety
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  drunk driving
  dialogue 2  speeding
  dialogue 3  vehicle stop
  dialogue 4  police patrol
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    florida car seat laws
unit four  entry and exit
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  visa extension at the division of aliens administration
  dialogue 2  going through the customs
  dialogue 3  a phone call to the aitport information centre
  dialogue 4  an interview about drug smuggling
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    related regulations of visas
unit five  drug enforcement and detecting
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  security check at the airport
  dialogue 2  discussion on drugs
  dialogue 3  talk on drug abuse
  dialogue 4  a drug case interrogation
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    world drug report 2013 (excerpt)
unit six criminal investigation
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  response to homicide crime
  dialogue 2  ways to bring a person to justice
  dialogue 3  talk on criminal science and technology
  dialogue 4  a visit to criminal investigation division in oakland city
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    forensic science
unit seven  interrogation methods and technology
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  a talk between witness and police officer
  dialogue 2  reporting a robbery
  dialogue 3  interrogation on a suspect
  dialogue 4  a discussion on interrogation technology between an officer from interpol and a chinese police officer
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii cultural notes
    police interrogation methods and technology today
unit eight personal identification
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue i  illegal residency
  dialogue 2  evidence-collecting at the scene
  dialogue 3  at an interrogating room
  dialogue 4  a discussion between two students in police academy on ways of identification
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    pros and cons of biometric technologies
unit nine economic crime
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  interrogation of selling fake lv handbags
  dialogue 2  receiving a call of reporting tax evasion
  dialogue 3  talking about corruption
  dialogue4  money laundering
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    anti-money laundering
unit ten high-tech crimes
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  invasion of websites
  dialogue 2  stealing and selling information by entering sites
  dialogue 3  cracking the password
  dialogue 4  the cyber threat
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    high-tech crime
unit eleven forest firefighting
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  a visit to forest fire office
  dialogue 2  a discussion between two officials
  dialogue 3  a telephone conversation
  dialogue 4  an introduction of the ifsec south africa
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    chile buries seven firefightcrs
unit twelve wildlife protection
  part i  situational dialogues
  dialogue 1  a dialogue on wildlife conservation
  dialogue 2  a talk on wildlife conservation
  dialogue 3  an interview on wildlife crime
  dialogue 4  wildlife trade
  part ii  picture talking
  part iii  cultural notes
    wildlife smuggling
appendix i  useful phrases
appendix ii  english-chinese translation
appendix iii  chinese police rank system