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英语经典阅读与欣赏-第一册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787307100756
  • 条形码:9787307100756 ; 978-7-307-10075-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

英语经典阅读与欣赏-第一册 本书特色

本套教材融阅读与欣赏为一体,每篇文章均源自英语经典原文语篇,既考虑到语篇的语言形式,又注意到语篇的思想内容,旨在帮助学生阅读理解涵盖社会文化知识和文化背景知识,以及对语言形式和对思想内容的理解,提高英语阅读水平。 《英语经典阅读与欣赏(1)》高莉莉等编。

英语经典阅读与欣赏-第一册 内容简介


英语经典阅读与欣赏-第一册 目录

Unit One Language Lea rning
In-Class Reading
Delight of Books
Afler-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ How to Read Faster
Passage Ⅱ Higher Education of the Future

Unit Two Travelling
In-Class Reading
On Going a Journey
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ A Girl Who Swam the Channel
Passage Ⅱ Once More to the Lake

Unit Th ree Love
In-Class Reading
How to Fall 111 Love with YourseIf
Afler-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Love Letters in Danger of Dying
Passage Ⅱ The Date Father Didnt Keep

Unit Fou r Internet World
In-class Reading
Change Your Routine Life a Bit
Afler-Class Rea~ng
Passage Ⅰ Hackers:The Enemy on the Internet
Passage Ⅱ The IPad 2

Unit Five College Life
In-Class Reading
College Student Homesickness
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Failing a Class
Passage Ⅱ Love and Loss

Unit Six Famous People-
In-Class Reading-
Bill Gates in His Boyhood
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Who Was the Real Genghis Khan
Passage Ⅱ J K Rowling

Unit Seven Festivals&Holidays
In-Class Reading
History of Mothers Day
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Legend of the Spring Festival
Passage Ⅱ Halloween Lantern and Trick

Unit Eight Fairy Tales
In-Class Reading
The Seven Ravens
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ The Fox and the Horse
Passage Ⅱ Cowherd and Weaving Girl

Unit Nine Popular Science
In-Class Reading
Five Truths about Our Energy Future
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Anyone out There? A New Way to Look for
Alien LIfe
Passage Ⅱ The Thing in that Morning

Unit Ten Family
Jn-Class Reading Of Parents and Children
After-Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Mothers Hands
Passage Ⅱ Privity between Fathers
Key to Exercises
Phrases & Expressions

英语经典阅读与欣赏-第一册 节选

  Delight of Books  1 Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.They contain the historyof our race,the discoveries we have made,the gathered knowledge and experienceof ages;they picture for US the beauties of nature,help US in our difficulties,comfort US in sorrow and in suffering,change hours of boredom into moments ofdelight,store our minds with ideas,hu them with good and happy thoughts,andlift US out of and above ourselves.  2 Many 0f us 0We much of our purest happiness to books.Ascham in “TheSchoolmastcr.”tells a story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey.He found hersitting at the window reading Plato’S beautiful account of the death of Socrates.Herfather and mother were hunting in the park,the hounds were full of cry and theirvoices came in through the open window.H e expressed his surprise that she had notjoined them.But,said she,“1 wish that all their pleasure in the park is but ashadow to the pleasure I find in Plato.”  3 Macaulayhad wealth and fame,rank and power,and yet he tells US in hisbiography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books.In a charming letter toa little girl,he says,“Thank you for your very pretty letter.I am always glad tomake my little girl happy,and nothing pleases me so much as to see that she likesbooks,for when she is as old as I am,she will find that they are better than all the tarts and cakes,toys and plays,and sights in the world.If anyone would make methe greatest king that ever lived,with palaces and gardens and fine dinners,andwines and coaches,and beautiful clothes,and hundreds of servants.on conditionthat I should not read books.1 would not be a king.1 would rather be a poor man ina garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading.”  4 Books,indeed,give US a whole enchanted palace of thoughts.There is a widerprospect, says Jean Paul Richer,from Parnassusthan from a throne.In oneway they give US an even more vivid idea than the actual reality,just as reflectionsarc often more beautiful than real nature.“Au mirrors.”says George Macdonald.“The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.”  5 Precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our dailypaths.We walk,in imagination,with the noblest spirits,through the most splendidand enchanting regions.  6 Without leaving our house we may travel to the most remote regions of the earth,or fly into skies where Spenser’s unearthly beauties flock to meet us.whereMilton’s angels play songs of Paradise.Science,art,literature,philosophy—authat man has thought,all that man has done,the experience that has been boughtwith the sufferings of a hundred generations,all are gathered up for US in the worldnf hnnks。  ……
