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二语/外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787516135440
  • 条形码:9787516135440 ; 978-7-5161-3544-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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二语/外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究 本书特色

《二语外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究》以权力、语篇和意识形态的多维立体联系为研究前提;二语或外语语境中作者和读者主体之间相互定位关系为主体,将二语或外语语境中的批判性语篇解读定位于跨文化和跨语言的交叉研究。   《二语外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究》为将英语教育重新定位为解放权力的教育实践提供理论支撑,在英语语篇解读中,语篇中的态度资源应该得到更充分的利用,作为识别作者使读者解读姿态中立化的分析工具在英语语篇实践中得到充分利用,为在二语或外语语境下培养批判性语篇解读能力进行有效的教育干涉找出具体有益的理论支撑和例证。本书由原雪著。

二语/外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究 内容简介


二语/外语语境下的批判性阅读理论构建研究 目录

chapter 1 introduction
1.1 origins of the study
1.2 the rationale of the study
1.3 aims and objectives of the study
1.4 the organization of the dissertation
chapter 2 literature review
2.1 introduction
2.2 historical context of globalization
2.3 philosophical foundations
2.3.1 critical theory
2.3.2 deconstructionism
2.3.3 post colonialism
2.3.4 summary
2.4 brief overview of esl/efl reading research
2.4.1 esl/efl reading research prior to the 1970s
2.4.2 esl/efl reading research after the 1970s
2.4.3 summary
2.5 brief overview of critical reading research abroad and at home
2.5.1 critical reading research abroad
2.5.2 critical reading research at home
2.5.3 summary
chapter 3 theoretical preliminaries
3.1 introduction
3.2 theoretical foundations for this study
3.2.1 critical discourse analysis
3.2.2 theories of dialogisms
3.2.3 critical pedagogy
3.2.4 summary
3.3 defining the key concepts
3.3.1 critical reading / critical literacy
3.3.2 discourse or text
3.3.3 ideology
3.3.4 being critical
3.3.5 summary
chapter 4 contrastive rhetoric and ideology
4.1 introduction
4.2 literacy and power
4.2.1 defining literacy
4.2.2 social construction of meaning
4.2.3 ideology as a conceptual link between discourse and power
4.2.4 summary
4.3 cognitive vs. social
4.3.1 the motivation of reading's cognitive perspective
4.3.2 reading as a social process
4.3.3 reading in critical context
4.4 contrastive rhetoric and cross-cultural nature of reading in esl/efl context
4.4.1 traditional contrastive rhetoric
4.4.2 new contrastive rhetoric
4.4.3 contrastive rhetoric's role in critical reading
4.4.4 summary
4.5 reading in native context and reading in esl/efl context
4.5.1 reading in native context
4.5.2 reading in esl/efl context
4.5.3 differences of reading in native context and in esl/efl context
4.5.4 the specific language socialization for the readers in esl/efl context
4.5.5 summary
chapter 5 building the text representation in esl/efl context
5.1 introduction
5.2 synthetical process of "meaningfulness"
5.2.1 proposition: ideal representation of the text
5.2.2 dynamic levels of "meaningfulness"
5.3 filling the conceptual gap through inferences
5.3.1 building coherence through explicit node
5.3.2 filling the conceptual gap by inferences
5.4 overreliance of text representation building in esl/efl context
5.4.1 knowledge of text structure
5.4.2 text structure's function in comprehension
5.4.3 language cultural schemata in esl/efl context
5.5 building text representation in esl/efl context
5.5.1 situation-model building in esl/efl context
5.5.2 determinacy state and language familiarity
5.5.3 summary
chapter 6 the process of de-idealization by reader
6.1 introduction
6.2 idealization by attitudinal parameter
6.2.1 attitudinal resources in discourse
6.2.2 idealization through inscribed attitudinal values
6.2.3 idealization by evoked values
6.2.4 idealization by topicalization
6.2.5 idealization by announcement
6.3 summary
7.1 major findings of this study
7.2 pedagogical implications