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mcgraw_hill 互联网手册

作者:E.Taylor 著
开本: 32开 页数: 876
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mcgraw_hill 互联网手册 版权信息

mcgraw_hill 互联网手册 内容简介

in retrospect en route to san francisco, ca, august, 1993 for the interop conven-tion, i contemplated the history of internetworking as i ate lunch dur-ing the flight. after lunch, i wrote my thoughts on a napkin. they were: first came something, next came a variety, chaos followed. pain broughtforth integration; ignorance en masse followed. an awareness of gridlock appeared. education culminated in a glut of information. an attempt to harness this information followed. mankind awaited its destiny. 8-24-93 ed taylor purpose of this book.

mcgraw_hill 互联网手册 目录

preface xv
acknowledgments xvii
part 1 networking fundamentals
 chapter 1. commonalitles among networks
 1.1 perspective
  1.2 topologies
  1.3 transmission media
  1.4 physical communicauon link configurations
  1.5 additional information
  1.6 summary
 chapter 2. data communication considerations
  2.1 signal characteristics
  2.2 data representation
  2.3 transmission characteristics
  2.4 multiplexing
  2.5 physical interface considerations
  2.6 interface standards
  2.7 modems
  2.8 adsl technology
  2.9 additional information
  2.10 summary
 chapter 3. protocaol fundamentals
  3.1 perspective
  3.2 network layers: a practical perspective
  3.3 summary
 chapter 4. types of networks
  4.1 perspective on networks
  4.2 networks by category
  4.3 data networks
  4.4 voicenetworks
  4.5 video networks
  4.6 multimedia networks
  4.7 inter net
  4.8 intranet
  4.9 summary
part 2 lower-layer protocols
 chapter 5 lower-layer protocols: a practical perspective
  5.1 ovewiew
5.2 lower-layer protocols in general
5.3 summary
chapter 6. asynchronous transfer mode (atm)
6.1 a perspective on atm
6.2 atm layer structure
6.3 atuadaptatlonlayer(aal) functions
6.4 atm ceil strueture and contents
6.5 atm interface types
6.6 atm concepts
5.7 atm implementation
6.8 ataphysicai-layerarehitecture
6.9 atm terminology
6.10 where to find additional information
6.11 summary
chapter 7. enterprise systems connection (escon)
7.1 overview
7.2 hypothetical escon environment
7.3 escon components found in a typical insta&lation
7.4 escon manager program
7.5 escon orientation
7.6 escon protocols
7.7 escon physica(-layer specifications
7.8 additional information
7.9 summary
chapter8. ethernet
8.1 origins, evolution, and versions
part 3 upper-layer protocols
part 4 network devices
acronyms and abbreviations
rfc listing