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Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版)

Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版)

开本: 16开 页数: 273
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Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510071232
  • 条形码:9787510071232 ; 978-7-5100-7123-2
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版) 本书特色


Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版) 内容简介


Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版) 目录

Introduction入门Lesson 1 Using Few Words or Being Quiet/1憎字如金/沉默Lesson 2 Speaking/5谈话Lesson 3 Feeling Superior/11傲世轻物Lesson 4 Unoriginal,Dull,Played Out/17老套、乏味、过时Lesson 5 Lessening Pain,Tension,or Conflict/22 减轻癌苦/缓解紧张气氛/调和冲突Review Exercises/28复习题Lesson 6 Friendly and Agreeable/32友善和惬意Lesson 7 Quarreling,Fighting,and Bitter Feelings/37 争吵、打斗、怀恨在心Lesson 8 Generosity in Spending Money and Showing Concern for Others/43 贡献时间,金钱或关爱他人Lesson 9 Cheapness or Care with Spending Money/48 抠门,简朴Lesson 10 Problems,Puzzlements,and Disasters/53 难题、迷惑、灾难Review Exercises/59复习题Lesson 11 HarmfuI or Mean/63有害/卑鄙Lesson 12 Criticizing,Disapproving,or Scolding/69 批评/反对/责骂Lesson 13 Lacking Interest or Emotion/75没兴趣,情绪Lesson 14 Lacking Energy or Movement/80能量/运动不足Lesson 15 Humility and Obedience/85谦卑/顺从Review Exercises/90复习题Lesson 16 Enthusiasm and Passion/94狂热,激情Lesson 17 Being Stubborn/99冥顽不灵Lesson 18 Sound/104声音Lesson 19 Praise and Respect/109赞美和尊敬Lesson 20 More Than Enough/114过剩Review Exercises/119复习题Lesson 2 1 Food and Hunger/123食物和饥饿Lesson 22 Being CarefuI/128谨慎Lesson 23 Being Short-Lived in Time or Place/133县花一现Lesson 24 The 0Id orthe New/138新旧Lesson 25 Being Sneaky or Hardly Noticeable/144 鬼鬼祟祟,不起眼Review Exercises/148复习题Lesson 26 People You WilI Meet on the SAT/152 你将在SAT中见到这些人Lesson 27 Things of Little Importance or Value/157无关紧要Lesson 28 Being Wise and Sharp.Minded/162英明颖悟Lesson 29 Words That Sound and/or Look Alike.But Have Different Meanings/168音近异义词、形近异义词Lesson 30 More Tricky Twins and Triplets/174 其他棘手双生词和三生词Review Exercises/179复习题Lesson 3 1 Hottest of the Hot Words(Letters A to G)/183 *高频词汇(A到G)Lesson 32 Hottest of the Hot Words(Letters H to P)/188 *高频词汇(H到P)Lesson 33 Hottest of the Hot Words(Letters Q to Z)/194 *高频词汇(Q到z)Lesson 34 More Hot Words/200其他高频词汇LeSSOH 35 Even More Hot Words/205更多高频词汇Review Exercises/2 10复习题Lesson 36 Words Spied on ReaI SATs/213 SAT真题词汇Lesson 37 Literary Terms That Are Helpful to Know/222 有用的文学术语Lesson 38 ACT Vocabulary:Prose Fiction and Humanities/230 ACT词汇:散文化小说和人文学科Lesson 39 ACT Vocabulary:SociaI Science and NaturaI Science/235 ACT诃汇:社会科学和自然科学Answer Key/241答案AppendiX A Minl Vocabulary Clusters/266附录1迷你词汇组Appendix B M0re Tricky Twins/268附录2其他棘手双生词Word lndex/270单词索引

Barron s巴朗SAT高频词汇-(第5版) 作者简介

卡尔内瓦莱(Linda Carnevale, M.A.)是美国著名的SAT考试专家,著有深受广大SAT考生及教师深受欢迎的畅销书系列《Hot Words for the SAT》,目前已经出版至第5版。
