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CSS3实战手册-全面修订第三版-(影印版) 版权信息

CSS3实战手册-全面修订第三版-(影印版) 本书特色

层叠样式表(css)能让你内心的设计思想迸发出来并得以实现。不过,将css与网站底层的html页面进行整合是一件非常困难的工作,有时甚至复杂得令人沮丧这导致多数web设计者不得不放弃一些奇思妙想。   麦克法兰编著的《css3实战手册(影印版全面修订第3版)》可以消除web设计工作的痛苦,并且带给你:html重新入门。如果你是html新手,你会学到如何以css友好的方式进行基本页面构造。若你是html高手,你将学会如何像css设计者那样思考。

CSS3实战手册-全面修订第三版-(影印版) 内容简介

  css3可以让你创建专业外观的网站,但是学习它的细节会十分麻烦即使是资深web开发人员也是如此。这本《css3实战手册》通过有价值的提示、技巧和一步步的指导为你展示了如何来提升你的html和css技能。你将快速掌握如何搭建那些非常好看而且在任意尺寸屏幕和设备上都能迅速执行的网页。   《css3实战手册(影印版全面修订第3版)》由麦克法兰编著。

CSS3实战手册-全面修订第三版-(影印版) 目录

the missing credits
part one: css basics
chapter 1: htmlforcss
html: past and present
writing html for css
the importance of the doctype
making sure internet explorer is up-to-date
chapter 2: creating styles and style sheets
anatomy of a style
understanding style sheets
internal style sheets
external style sheets
tutorial: creating your first styles
chapter 3: selectors: identifying what to style ...
tag selectors: page-wide styling
class selectors: pinpoint control
id selectors: specific page elements
styling groups of tags
styling tags within tags
pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
attribute selectors
child selectors
the :not( ) selector
tutorial: selector sampler
chapter 4: saving time with style inheritance
what is inheritance?
how inheritance streamlines style sheets
the limits of inheritance
tutorial: inheritance
chapter 5: managing multiple styles: the cascade
how styles cascade
specificity: which style wins
controlling the cascade
tutorial: the cascade in action
part two: applied css
chapter 6: formatting text
using fonts
using web fonts
discovering google web fonts
adding color to text
changing font size
formatting words and letters
adding text shadow
formatting entire paragraphs
styling lists
tutorial: text formatting in action
chapter 7: margins, padding, and borders
understanding the box model
controling space with margins and padding
adding borders
coloring the background
creating rounded corners
adding drop shadows
determining height and width
wrapping content with floating elements
tutorial: margins, backgrounds, and borders
chapter 8: adding graphics to web pages
discovering css and the tag
adding background images
controlling repetition
positioning a background image
using background property shorthand
using multiple background images
utilizing gradient backgrounds
applying easy gradients with colorzilla
tutorial: enhancing images
tutorial: creating a photo gallery
tutorial: using background images
chapter 9: sprucing up your site's navigation
selecting which links to style
styling links
building navigation bars
css-style preloading rollovers
styling particular types of links
tutorial: styling links
tutorial: creating a navigation bar
chapter 10: css transforms, transitions, and animations..
chapter 11: formatting tables and forms
using tables the right way
styling tables
styling forms
tutorial: styling a table
tutorial: styling a form
part three: css page layout
chapter 12: introducing css layout
types of web page layouts
how css layout works
layout strategies
chapter 13: building float-based layouts
applying floats to your layouts
overcoming float problems
tutorial: multiple column layouts
chapter 14: responsive web design
responsive web design basics
setting up a web page for rwd
media queries
flexible grids
fluid images
responsive web design tutorial
chapter 15: positioning elements on a web page
how positioning properties work
powerful positioning strategies
tutorial: positioning page elements
part four: advanced css
chapter 16: css for the printed page
how media style sheets work
how to add media style sheets
creating print style sheets
tutorial: building a print style sheet
chapter 17: improving your css habits
adding comments
organizing styles and style sheets
eliminating browser style interference
using descendent selectors
trying different css for internet explorer
part five: appendixes
appendix a: css property reference
css values
text properties
list properties
padding, borders, and margi

CSS3实战手册-全面修订第三版-(影印版) 作者简介

(美)麦克法兰   David Sawyer McFarland是位于俄勒冈州波特兰的一家网站开发和培训公司即Sawyer McFarland Media, Inc.的总裁。他从1995年开始创建网站,当时他设计的第一个网站是针对通讯专家的一本在线杂志。他曾经是位于伯克利的加利福尼亚大学和伯克利多媒体研究中心的网站管理员,并对Macworld.com基于CSS驱动的重新设计进行了完整的监控。
