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生态可持续建筑-(第二版) 版权信息

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生态可持续建筑-(第二版) 内容简介

《高校建筑学 城市规划 景观专业系列教材:生态可持续建筑(第2版)》是根据10年前的原书中文版本改写的,两大改进:一是采用汉一英双语;二是与时俱进进行了新陈代谢的改写,分10章:生态可持续发展的障碍;温故知今与创新;21世纪建筑何往;何谓生态可持续建筑;太阳能与沼气在建筑中的应用;增效资源;掩土建筑;建筑绿化;优化组合;生态可持续建筑的经济效益,对生态可持续建筑的理念、设计原理、方法、构造措施、材料选择进行了图文并茂的论证(述)。《高校建筑学 城市规划 景观专业系列教材:生态可持续建筑(第2版)》适用于建筑学、城乡规划、景观园林、环境艺术、环境工程、土木工程等专业研究生及本科生的教材及相关设计、科研、管理及政策制定领域人员参考。

生态可持续建筑-(第二版) 目录

1 生态可持续发展的障碍1 BARRIERS OF ECO-SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT1.1 人口激增1.1 Population Explosion(Population Boom)1.1.1 膨胀的出生率1.1.1 Expanded birth rate1.1.2 膨胀的需求1.1.2 Expanded needs1.1.3 人类必须自控1.1.3 Humankind must be self-controlled1.1.4 变人口负担为人才资源1.1.4 To make population from being a load to be a talent resource1.2 自然灾害1.2 Natural Disasters1.2.1 大自然灾害1.2.1 Serious natural disasters1.2.2 其他自然灾害1.2.2 Other natural disasters1.3 人类负效行为1.3 Human Negative Behaviours1.3.1 人类的严重负效行为1.3.1 Man's serious negative behaviours1.3.2 其他人为危害1.3.2 Other harms by man2 温故知今与创新——中国建筑回顾2 LOOKING BACK TO THE PAST TO UNDERSTAND TODAY AND CREATE THE NEW-Reviewing the Chinese Architecture2.1 乡土建筑2.1 Vernacular Architecture2.1.1 概况2.1.1 General2.1.2 乡土建筑的优点2.1.2 Advantages of vernacular architecture2.1.3 乡土建筑的缺点2.1.3 Disadvantages of vernacular architecture2.2 城市建筑2.2 Urban Architecture2.2.1 引言2.2.1 Introduction2.2.2 城市建筑优点2.2.2 Advantages of urban architecture2.2.3 城市建筑缺点2.2.3 Disadvantages of urban architecture2.3 新概念建筑2.3 New Concept Architecture2.3.1 引言2.3.1 Introduction2.3.2 能源危机引发了节能建筑与太阳房的研究与推广2.3.2 Energy crisis led to the research and implementation of energy savingbuildings and solar buildings2.3.3 绿色与土地危机引发了节能节地建筑2.3.3 Green and land crises led to energy and land saving buildings2.3.4 生态可持续危机引发了生态可持续建筑2.3.4 The crisis of eco-sustainability led to eco-sustainable architecture3 21世纪建筑何往3 WHERE DOES ARCHITECTURE GO IN THE 21ST CENTURY3.1 必然与偶然的反思3.1 Looking Back on Necessity and Contingency3.2 建筑含义的延伸3.2 Extending the Meaning of Architecture3.3 21世纪建筑前景3.3 Outlook of Architecture in 21st Century3.3.1 上天——发展太空建筑3.3.1 Go into sky-to develop space architecture3.3.2 下海——发展海洋建筑3.3.2 Go into the sea-to develop marine architecture3.3.3 陆地建筑仍是主要方向3.3.3 Land architecture-still the main direction4 何谓生态可持续建筑4 WHAT DOES ECO-SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE MEAN4.1 可持续性并不是新概念4.1 Sustainability is not a New Concept4.2 非可持续建筑4.2 Non-sustainable Architecture4.3 可持续建筑含义4.3 The Meaning of Sustainable Architecture5 太阳能与沼气在建筑中的应用5 THE APPLICATION OF SOLAR ENERGY AND METHANE IN BUILDINGS5.1 太阳5.1 The Sun5.1.1 太阳基本情况5.1.1 About the sun5.1.2 应用太阳能的10个“*”5.1.2 The ten \"most\" of using solar energy5.1.3 中国太阳能资源5.1.3 The solar energy resources in China5.2 建筑中应用太阳能5.2 Application of Solar Energy in Buildings5.2.1 太阳能热水与炊事5.2.1 solar hot water and cooking5.2.2 中国古代太阳能集热器5.2.2 The ancient Chinese solar collectors5.2.3 多功能构件5.2.3 Multi-function members5.2.4 太阳能采光与日照5.2.4 Day lighting and sunshine5.2.5 太阳能建筑5.2.5 Solar buildings5.3 沼气5.3 Marsh Gas5.3.1 沼气基本知识5.3.1 Basic knowledge of marsh gas5.3.2 沼气池构造及工作原理5.3.2 Construction and operating principle of methane-generating pit6 增效资源6 INCREASING RESOURCES EFFICIENCY(IRE)6.1 分析“F”6.1 Analyzing \"F\"6.1.1 从\"F”看建筑体形与增效资源6.1.1 From\"F\"to Understand Building Shape and IRE6.1.2 太阳能建筑体形系数6.1.2 The Building Shape Coefficient(BSC)of solar buildings6.1.3 从\"F\"看建筑结构、构造与增效资源6.1.3 From \"F\" to understand building structure,construction and IRE6.1.4 从“F”看建筑布置与增效资源6.1.4 From \"F\" to understand building layout and IRE6.1.5 从\"F\"看城市形式与增效资源6.1.5 From \"F\" to understand city's form and IRE6.2 分析“R”6.2 Analyzing \"R\"6.2.1 实有热阻Rp6.2.1 Practical envelope thermal resistance Rp6.2.2 节能热阻RES6.2.2 Energy saving thermal resistance RES6.2.3 复合墙剖面设计6.2.3 Section design of composite wall6.2.4 复合墙增热阻不增重或微增重6.2.4 To increase CW's thermal resistance without adding any weight or slightly increasing weight6.2.5 旧墙体改造6.2.5 To remodel old walls6.3 分析“Z”与“to”6.3 Analyzing \"Z\" and \"to\"6.3.1 科学安排“Z”6.3.1 Scientifically managing \"Z\"6.3.2 人能改变室外气温“to”吗 6.3.2 Can the outdoor temperature \"to\" be changed manually 6.4 分析“Q”与“SRHG”6.4 Analyzing \"Q\" and \"SRHG\"6.4.1 反射隔热6.4.1 Heat insulation by reflection6.4.2 通风6.4.2 Ventilation6.4.3 阻存6.4.3 Resistance and storage(RS)6.4.4 遮阳6.4.4 Sunshade6.4.5 绿化6.4.5 Landscaping6.4.6 自然空调6.4.6 Natural air conditioning(NAC)6.4.7 多功能构件6.4.7 Multi-function members6.4.8 多功能窗6.4.8 Multi-function window6.5 本章小结6.5 Conclusion of the chapter…… 7 掩土建筑8 建筑绿化9 优化组合10 生态可持续建筑的经济效益主要参考文献