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新视域英语时文阅读 版权信息

新视域英语时文阅读 本书特色

1. 综合了国内英文阅读教材的优点,兼顾了不同层次学生的需求;
2. 在内容组织上采用模块化、任务驱动设计。
3. 配有相应的单元配套习题和深层实训材料,提供电子教案和相关习题的答案。

新视域英语时文阅读 内容简介

本书以提高英语学习者的阅读技能为核心,以拓展其知识层面为宗旨,以热点时文评论报道为导向,精心设计了12个单元的内容,每个单元均涉及同一个主题,共有“一睹为快”、“品味赏阅”、“时文实用”和“拓展阅读”4个部分。为了让学习者能够及时地检查自己的学习效果,在“一睹为快”后面专门设置有“读后综述”、“阅读检测”、“新词回眸”和“团队联盟”4个训练模块,同时,提供各单元训练习题的参考答案,在网上免费供学习者使用。   本书选材广泛、精细、实用;文章内容新颖、典型;语言质量上乘、真实准确、地道优美,符合现代英语语言趋势;所选材料集知识性、科普性、趣味性于一体,知识含量丰富,所有文章都是近1年来有关社会发展热点问题的报道,贴近大众、贴近现实、贴近生活,能够满足学生学习原汁原味英语的需求,是一本实用性较强的阅读教材。   本书可以作为高等院校非英语专业本科、研究生学生的必修课教材;国家四、六级考试和研究生入学考试参考用书;高校英语专业学生和国际新闻、国际贸易、文秘、科技英语、电子商务英语等涉及英语的各类专业学生的选修课教材;适合准备参加托福、雅思考试的出国留学、进修学习人员和举办此类培训班的教材。

新视域英语时文阅读 目录

目 录

unit 1 current international news 国际快讯 1
section a read fast 一睹为快 2
passage a us faces the gun and tax cliffs 2
section b read freely 品味赏阅 13
passage b lost in thailand: how a lowbrow, low-budget film became china’sbiggest hit 14
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 27
section d read after class 拓展阅读 28

unit 2 economic progress 经济态势 32
section a read fast 一睹为快 33
passage a why so many americans don’t have bank accounts 33
section b read freely 品味赏阅 41
passage b is it better to rent or to buy? 42
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 47
section d read after class 拓展阅读 48

unit 3 technological advance 科技望 51
section a read fast 一睹为快 52
passage a speeding up work for people with disabilities 52
section b read freely 品味赏阅 61
passage b how to use technology to make you smarter 61
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 66
section d read after class 拓展阅读 68

unit 4 society of humanity 人文长廊 71
section a read fast 一睹为快 72
passage a does “blue monday” really exist?  72
section b read freely 品味赏阅 82
passage b dolphin-assisted therapy helps children with mental disabilities 82
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 90
section d read after class 拓展阅读 91

unit 5 education 教育专栏 95
section a read fast 一睹为快 96
passage a confucius institutes go beyond borders 96
section b read freely 品味赏阅 108
passage b is it still worth going to university? 108
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 114
section d read after class 拓展阅读 116

unit 6 environmental protection 环境保护 119
section a read fast 一睹为快 120
passage a india’s air pollution 120
section b read freely 品味赏阅 131
passage b uk design to “harpoon” old satellites 131
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 138
section d read after class 拓展阅读 140

unit 7 green life 绿色生活 142
section a read fast 一睹为快 143
passage a it’s ok to be a crybaby: why crying is good for your health 143
section b read freely 品味赏阅 153
passage b does chocolate make you clever?  154
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 164
section d read after class 拓展阅读 165

unit 8 discovery 探索发现 170
section a read fast 一睹为快 171
passage a predicting obesity at birth 171
section b read freely 品味赏阅 181
passage b your digital legacy:states grapple with protecting our data after we die 181
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 187
section d read after class 拓展阅读 188

unit 9 figures 人物扫描 191
section a read fast 一睹为快 192
passage a mo yana storyteller and the nobel prize winner 192
section b read freely 品味赏阅 204
passage b farewell to david beckham, footballer 204
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 214
section d read after class 拓展阅读 215

unit 10 emotions 情愫漫语 218
section a read fast 一睹为快 219
passage a how manti te’o could have fallen in love with someone he never met 220
section b read freely 品味赏阅 232
passage b william and kate: scenes from a fairy tale 233
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 243
section d read after class 拓展阅读 244

unit 11 sports & recreation 文体娱乐 248
section a read fast 一睹为快 249
passage a being there 249
section b read freely 品味赏阅 259
passage b sports icons who lead a change 259
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 265
section d read after class 拓展阅读 266

unit 12 fashion 时尚潮流 269
section a read fast 一睹为快 270
passage a does listening to mozart really boost your brainpower? 270
section b read freely 品味赏阅 282
passage b gangnam style: korean rapper psy’s social commentary 282
section c practical reading skills 时文实用 291
section d read after class 拓展阅读 293

新视域英语时文阅读 节选

1. 综合了国内英文阅读教材的优点,兼顾了不同层次学生的需求;2. 在内容组织上采用模块化、任务驱动设计。3. 配有相应的单元配套习题和深层实训材料,提供电子教案和相关习题的答案。
