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Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版)

Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版)

开本: 16开 页数: 158
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Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508524771
  • 条形码:9787508524771 ; 978-7-5085-2477-1
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版) 本书特色


Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版) 内容简介

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), many channels andcollaterals run downward from the organs and tissues of the human body intocorresponding areas on the feet and, therefore, stimulating these areas canhelp regulate the functioning of these organs and tissues and cure diseases.Contemporary research in human anatomy has revealed that the feet have moreblood vessels and nerves than any other part of the human body and that thenumerous nerve endings at the feet have a special relationship with the head,hands and several tissues and organs of the body. Thanks to this relationship,foot massage has emerged as a miraculous curative and health-preservingtherapy.Today, it is an accepted fact that regular foot massage not only improves the functioning of all organs and the flow of qi in channels and collaterals, and invigorates blood circulation, but also cures diseases and helps to preserve health and life.This book provides readers with simple,economical,quick,effective and green therapies which boast both curative and health-preserving effect.It is a popular and practical guide to health preservation,suitable for readers of different knowledge levels of traditional Chinese Medicine.The launch of the book,so to speak,will equip readers with the golden key to the door of health.

Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版) 目录

**章 足部按摩好在哪 足――第二心脏 足是多条经脉的起点与终点 足腿部的特效穴位 双脚状况,反映身体健康 第二章 看看脚,健康情报早知道 观足色,知健康 看足型,测异常 足部压痛是警报 从足姿中判断疾病 脚趾甲也能预示疾病 第三章 在家按摩这样做 按摩前的准备 足部按摩的常用手法 按摩顺序有讲究 按摩的注意事项 按摩后的正常反应 对症按摩效果好 第四章 常见病症对症按摩法 头痛 感冒 咳嗽 中暑 呃逆(打嗝) 头晕 坐骨神经痛 第五章 慢性病、中老年痴症对症按摩 糖尿病 高血压病 心悸 冠心病 中风后遗症 肥胖症 第六章 脊柱、关节相关疾病对症按摩 落枕 颈椎病 肩周炎 急性腰扭伤 腰椎间盘突出症 痛风 腕管综合征 第七章 消化系统疾病对症按摩 胃痛 食欲不振 胃脘胀满(腹胀) 慢性胰腺炎 腹泻 便秘 胆囊炎、胆石症 第八章 泌尿生殖系统疾病对症按摩 前列腺炎 性功能减退 阳痿、早泄 痛经 闭经 盆腔炎 更年期综合征 第九章 儿童常见病对症按摩 发热 荨麻疹 急性扁桃体炎 鼻窦炎 厌食症 遗尿 近视 第十章 日常养生按摩法 消除疲劳 缓解压力 提神醒脑 安神催眠 美白养颜 附录?足部反射区名称及定位 足部穴位名称及定位

Foot Massage Therapy-对症足部按摩-(英文版) 节选

