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Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学)

Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学)

开本: 16开 页数: 213
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Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学) 版权信息

Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学) 本书特色

In fact, most Chinese teachers involved in medical education have already attainedan adequate level of English language usage. However, English language medicaltextbooks that reflect the culture of the teachers would in fact make it easier for theseteachers to complete the task at hand and would improve the level and quality ofmedical education for international students. In addition, these texts could be usedto improve the English language level of the medical students taught in Chinese. Thisis the purpose behind the compilation and publishing of this set of English languagemedical education textbooks.

Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学) 内容简介

This book is written primarily for the first year of pre-medical students. It has thirteen chapters, in which it contains mechanics, vibrations, waves, basic of thermodynamics, electromagnetics, current electricity, optics, atomics and nuclear physics.

Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学) 目录

Chapter 1 Description of Motion1.1 Units1.2 Scalar and Vector1.3 Motion Variables1.4 Uniformly Accelerated MotionExercisesChapter 2 Newton Laws of Motion2.1 Forces and Free-Body Diagram2.2 Newton Laws of Motion2.3 Applications of Newton Laws of Motion2.4 Uniform Circular MotionExercisesChapter 3 Work and Energy3.1 Work3.2 Power3.3 Energy3.4 Conservation of EnergyExercisesChapter 4 Equilibrium of Rigid body and Momentum4.1 Equilibrium of Rigid Body4.2 Momentum and Impulse4.3 CollisionsExercisesChapter 5 Vibrations5.1 Simple Harmonic Motion5.2 Damped Oscillation5.3 Forced Vibration and ResonanceExercisesChapter 6 Waves6.1 Several Concepts of Mechanical Wave6.2 Mathematical Description of a Wave6.3 Superposition of Waves and Interference6.4 Sound Wave6.5 The Doppler EffectExercisesChapter 7 Fluid Mechanics7.1 The Char-acteristic of Fluid7.2 Static Fluid7.3 Fluid DynarmcsExercisesChapter 8 Thermal Physics8.1 Temperature8.2 Thermal Properties of Matter8.3 Thermal Processes8.4 Heat TransferExercisesChapter 9 Electrostatic Field9.1 Electric Charge9.2 Coulomb Theorem9.3 Electric Field9.4 Gauss Theorem9.5 Electric PotentialExercisesChapter 10 Current Electricity10.1 Electric Current10.2 Ohm Law10.3 Power in Electric Circuits10.4 Energy in CircuitsExercisesChapter 11 Magnetism11.1 Magnetic Field11.2 Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field11.3 Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field11.4 Torque on a Current Carrying Coil11.5 Sources of the Magnetic Field11.6 Magnetic Materials11.7 Electromagnetic Induction11.8 Electromagnetic RadiationExercisesChapter 12 Optics12.1 The Nature of Light12.2 Geometrical Optics12.3 Physical OpticsExercisesChapter 13 Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pre-medical Physics-(医学物理学) 节选

In fact, most Chinese teachers involved in medical education have already attainedan adequate level of English language usage. However, English language medicaltextbooks that reflect the culture of the teachers would in fact make it easier for theseteachers to complete the task at hand and would improve the level and quality ofmedical education for international students. In addition, these texts could be usedto improve the English language level of the medical students taught in Chinese. Thisis the purpose behind the compilation and publishing of this set of English languagemedical education textbooks.
