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游戏英语教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787113159702
  • 条形码:9787113159702 ; 978-7-113-15970-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

游戏英语教程 本书特色


游戏英语教程 内容简介


游戏英语教程 目录

PART Ⅰ INTRODUCTIONChapter 1 What Is Game1.1 Decision Making1.2 Goals1.3 Opposition1.4 Managing Resources1.5 Game Tokens1.6 InformationChapter 2 GameSpy's 7 Most Influential People in Gaming2.l EdFries (Microsoft)2.2 Alexey Pajitnov (Microsoft)2.3 Gabe Newell (Valve Software)2.4 John Romero (Monkcystone)2.5 John Carmack (ID Software)2.6 Sid Meier (Firaxis Games)2.7 Shigeru MiyamotoChapter 3 The Type of Game3.1 The Type of Game Design3.2 Sports Games3.3 Fighting Games3.4 Puzzle Games3.5 Real-time Strategy Games3.6 Role-playing Games3.7 First-person and Third-personAction Games3.8 SimulationsChapter 4 Fundamentals of Computers4.1 Cathode Ray Tube Technology4.2 Image PropertiesPART Ⅱ MACHINATEChapter 5 The Base5.1 Starting Points5.2 Establishing Focus5.3 Player Character Concepts5.4 Types of Props and Their Use5.5 Types of Items/Power-ups and PlacementChapter 6 Level6.1 Planning and Building6.2 Avoiding Common Level Mistakes6.3 The Process6.4 Level SeparationChapter 7 SeripUng7.1 Scripting in Games7.2 Scripting Technology Choices7.3 Using TriggerChapter 8 Documents8.1 The Necessary of Game Development Documents8.2 The Writing Style8.3 Story Bible8.4 The Sections8.5 Inauspicious Design DocumentsPART Ⅲ ARTChapter 9 Cartoon-looking Rendering of 3D scenes9.1 Introduction9.2 AlgorithmPART Ⅵ PROGRAMChapter 10 3D Math10.1 1D Mathematics10.2 Vector--A Geometric Definition10.3 Transforming an Object vs. Transforming the Coordinate Space10.4 What Is OrientationChapter 11 What Language Do I use11.1 C11.2 C++11.3 Should I Learn C++, or Should I Start with C11.4 Assembly11.5 Pascal11.6 Visual Basic11.7 Java11.8 Tools11.9 ConclusionChapter 12 Basic Concepts in DirectPlay12.1 Introduction12.2 Creating and Managing Sessions12.3 DirectPlay Network Communication12.4 Communicating with DirectPlay Objects12.5 DirectPlay Lobby SupportChapter 13 Client/Server Sessions13.1 Introduction13.2 Initiating a Client/Server Session13.3 Selecting a Service Provider for a Client13.4 Selecting a Client/Server Host13.5 Connecting to a Client/Server Session13.6 Managing a Client/Server Session13.7 Normal Client/Server Game Play13.8 Leaving a Client/Server Session13.9 Terminating a Client/Server SessionChapter 14 DirectPlay Lobby14.1 Introduction14.2 DirectPlay Lobby Architecture14.3 Lobby Servers14.4 Lobby Clients14.5 Lobbyable Applications14.6 Launching a Lobbyable ApplicationChapter 15 DirectPlay Callback Functions and Multithreading Issues15.1 Introduction15.2 DirectPlay Do Work Mode15.3 DirectPlay Thread Pool15.4 DirectPlay Networking CallbacksChapter 16 Engine Solutions and the Unreal EngineChapter 17 Direct3D Overview17.1 Introduction17.2 The REF Device17.3 D3DDEVTYPEChapter 18 Model Representation18.1 Introduction18.2 Vertex Formats18.3 Triangles18.4 IndicesChapter 19 Vertex/Index BuffersChapter 20 Bitmap FontsChapter 21 Your First PolygonChapter 22 Blending22.1 The Blending Equation22.2 Blending in OpenGL22.3 Note22.4 Alpha from Texture MapChapter 23 Advanced Collision Detection TechniquesChapter 24 Collision Detection and Particle Interaction24.1 Introduction24.2 A Quick Overview24.3 An Example24.4 Block Structure24.5 Notes on Block MapsChapter 25 Wu Anti-aliased Lines25.1 How Does It Work25.2 What Would the Ultimate Algorithm Be25.3 A More Sensible Algorithm25.4 Drawing the End Points25.5 Special CasesChapter 26 Real-time Dynamic Level of Detail Terrain Rendering with ROAM. 26.1 Triangle Fanning26.2 GeoMorphing26.3 Frame Coherence26.4 Supporting Larger TopologiesChapter 27 Fast Computation of Terrain Shadow Maps27.1 Introduction27.2 Algorithm Description27.3 Algorithm Implementation27.4 Lightmapping27.5 Color ComponentChapter 28 QuacltreesPART Ⅴ MOBILE PHONE MARKETChapter 29 Cellphones and Wireless Gaming29.1 Introduction29.2 Case Study CommentsChapter 30 J2ME30.1 Development Considerations30.2 The Kinds of Games30.3 Multiplay Cellphone GamingChapter 31 Career Choices31.1 Introduction31.2 Game Programming as a Career Choice31.3 Game Artist.as a Career Choice31.4 Game Designer as a Career Choice31.5 Production as a Career Choice31.6 Audio Composer and Engineer as a Career Choice31.7 QA as a Career ChoiceChapter 32 Career Guideline Worksheet32.1 If You Want to Explore Production32.2 If You Want to Explore Game Art Construction32.3 If You Want to Explore Game Programming32.4 If You Want to Explore Quality Assurance32.5 If You Want to Explore Game Audio32.6 If You Want to Explore Business Relations or MarketingGlossary