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政治场域中口译员工的调控角色 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513530194
  • 条形码:9787513530194 ; 978-7-5135-3019-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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政治场域中口译员工的调控角色 本书特色

  《政治场域中口译员的调控角色》首先采用文献计量法和归纳法,系统梳理国际范围内对译员角色研究的发展历史、研究主题和研究方法;然后对广东省人民政府机构译员的真实口译工作进行描写、建构平行语料库;再运用批评性话语分析的方法对语料进行定性研究,考察了口译过程中不同层次的“偏移” 现象,如零转换、概括转换、缩减转换、替代转换和扩展转换,分析政府机构译员在政治会谈口译中,如何通过人称转换、信息增减、交际功能调整等,对话语内容进行调控。《政治场域中口译员的调控角色》由詹成所著。

政治场域中口译员工的调控角色 内容简介


政治场域中口译员工的调控角色 目录

list of diagramslist of tableschapter 1 setting the scene for this research  1.1 rationale of research  1.2 research objective  1.3 significance of research    1.3.1 understanding the social face of the interpretingprofession    1.3.2 enriching academic research on interpreting  1.4 research scope     1.4.1 consecutive interpreting     1.4.2 political settings     1.4.3 government staff interpreters     1.4.4 guangdong province     1.4.5 role  1.5 research methodology     1.5.1 di paradigm and methodologies in interpreting studies     1.5.2 descriptive study of interpreting     1.5.3 critical discourse analysis of interpreted eventsdocumented in corpus   1.6 thesis organizationchapter 2 previous literature and theoretical framework  2.0 chapter overview  2.1 describing ci activities in sociocultural interactionalcontexts  2.2 translation as re-writing and its relevance to interpreting    2.2.1 the re-writing theory in translation studies    2.2.2 applying the re-writing theory to interpreting studies  2.3 research on ideology and mediation in translation and    interpreting    2.3.1 ideology and mediation in translation activities    2.3.2 ideology and mediation in interpreting activities    2.3.3 ideology and mediation--a summary  2.4 research on the role of the interpreter    2.4.1 the interpreter's role as an important topic of research    2.4.2 the interpreter's role in various settings of theprofession    2.4.3 going beyond previous research---a summary  2.5 critical discourse analysis of interpreter-mediatedencounters    2.5.1 the power of critical discourse analysis    2.5.2 adopting critical discourse analysis in interpretingstudies    2.5.3 critical discourse analysis--a framework for analysis  2.6 theoretical framework of this research  2.7 summary of this chapterchapter 3 analyzing ci in political settings with a parallel corpus  3.0 chapter overview  3.1 constructing a corpus for this research    3.1.1 some background features of interpreter-mediatedpolitical meetings    3.1.2 source of the corpus data meetings to be studied collection of the data    3.1.3 selection of the corpus data the primary parties of communication the time span of the meetings the languages used in the meetings the interpreters involved the pattern of turn-taking in the meetings    3.1.4 preparing the data for analysis transcription of the data documentation and calculation  3.2 exploring "shifts" in the interpreted texts  3.3 presenting corpus data upon quantitative analysis  3.4 summary of this chapterchapter 4 shifting personal angles in the (re-)narration of       "self" and the "other"  4.0 chapter overview  4.1 interpreting political encounters as a process of(re-)narration  4.2 questioning the interpreter's identity as a non-person  4.3 shifts in personal angles---case analysis    4.3.1 first person vs. third person as the constructing of"us" first person angle to third person angle third person angle to first person angle    4.3.2 second person vs. third person as the constructing of the      "other" second person angle to third person angle third person angle to second person angle    4.3.3 singular vs. plural as a reference to the collectivecommunity    4.3.4 animate vs. non-animate as a reflection of the knowledge      system animate subject to non-animate subject non-animate subject to animate subject    4.3.5 shifting the speaking subject as a way of activemediation  4.4 interpreters' perception and projection of the "self"    4.4.1 the idealized interpreter vs. the actual interpreter    4.4.2 how professional interpreters understand their multiple      identities  4.5 summary of this chapterchapter 5 managing and mediating discourse through shifts ininterpreted political meetings  5.0 chapter overview  5.1 interpreting political meetings as an act of mediation  5.2 levels of renditions examined in the corpus data  5.3 extended renditions    5.3.1 addition of hedges    5.3.2 explicitations with context    5.3.3 means of advocacy  5.4 substituted renditions    5.4.1 shifts in speech acts    5.4.2 modality changes    5.4.3 interventions from presupposed knowledge  5.5 reduced renditions    5.5.1 information filtering    5.5.2 cultural broking  5.6 para-discourse on interpreter mediation in political settings  5.7 summary of this chapterchapter 6 the interpreter's voice in political meetings  6.1 research findings  6.2 the voice of the interpreter--conclusion of this research  6.3 implications of this research    6.3.1 descriptive study of actual interpreting in its context    6.3.2 interpreting activities examined with social and culturaltheories    6.3.3 analysis with a parallel corpus of interpreting ofpolitical meetings    6.3.4 practice, training and development of the profession  6.4 limitations of this research  6.5 suggestions for future researchbibliographyappendix后记

政治场域中口译员工的调控角色 作者简介

