热带园艺专业英语 版权信息
- ISBN:9787112150021
- 条形码:9787112150021 ; 978-7-112-15002-1
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
热带园艺专业英语 本书特色
热带园艺专业英语 内容简介
热带园艺专业英语 目录
lesson 1 part a introduction and commercial branches of horticulture part b basic botanical background of horticulture croplesson 2 part a horticulture plant classification part b how plants are namedlesson 3 part a environments of the tropics part b cultural requirements of plantslesson 4 part a the tropics soils and fields management part b plantgrowing media and soil propertieslesson 5 part a physical control of growth part b chemical control of growthlesson 6 part a mechanisms of plant sexual propagation part b asexual propagationlesson 7 part a plant tissue culture part b tissue culture in the banana industrylesson 8 part a genetic engineering and tropical horticultural industry part b mango cultivar improvement and genetic engineeringlesson 9 part a seed production for horticulture crops part b seed treatment for disease controllesson 10 part a plant pathogens in horticulture crops part b a greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?lesson ii part a handling and storage before marketing part b marketing of fruits and vegetableslesson 12 part a horticulture and the home part b house plantslesson 13 part a organic farmingagriculture with a future part b organic gardeninglesson 14 part a subtropical and tropical fruits part b constraints of lychee development in chinalesson 15 part a flowers and fruit setting of evergreen fruits part b fruits of evergreen treelesson 16 part a physiology in evergreen fruit tree buildingmaterials,photosynthesis and respiration part b freezing injury in evergreen orchardlesson 17 part a postharvest physiology of tropical fruit part b harvesting and postharvest handling of tropical andsubtropical fruitslesson 18 part a getting the orchard established for macadamia part b managing young trees of macadamialesson 19 part a olericulture part b tomatolesson 20 part a cucurbits or vine crops part b muskmelonlesson 21 part a the type of tropical flowers part b tropical orchids and its adaption to tropical climatelesson 22 part a foliage plants and bedding plants part b cut flowerslesson 23 part a floral arrangement part b bonsailesson 24 part a elements of landscape design part b goals and principles of landscapinglesson 25 part a establish new lawns part b maintaining the lawnlesson 26 part a types of greenhouses and characteristics ofgreenhouserelated equipment and covering materials part b innovative plant factorieslesson 27 part a greenhouse construction part b greenhouse designlesson 28 part a environmental control of protected cultivation part b cooling greenhouselesson 29 part a hydroponics part b type and management of nutrient solutionlesson 30 part a writing a research paper part b common errors in student research papersreferencesappendix i list of subtropical and tropical fruit tree species inchinese,latin and englishappendix ii list of subtropical and tropical vegetable species inchinese,latin and englishappendix iii list of subtropical and tropical flower species inchinese,latin and englishappendix iv glossary
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