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机械工程专业英语-交流与沟通 版权信息

机械工程专业英语-交流与沟通 本书特色


机械工程专业英语-交流与沟通 内容简介

  《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材·机械工程专业英语:交流与沟通》共分五部分。**部分在基于产品设计案例的基础上,主要对机械工程、机械设计的全过程进行了介绍;第二部分介绍了构成一台复杂机器的常用机械零件及机构,重点是熟悉描述组成一台复杂机械的基本构件及其表达方法;第三部分介绍了如何针对机械专业领域撰写书面报告、展示口头报告、制作演示文稿等的方法与技巧;第四部分详细介绍了如何撰写科技论文;第五部分介绍了先进的制造技术。各章附有相关词汇注解。   《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材·机械工程专业英语:交流与沟通》根据教学目标及学时的不同,可满足不同层次的教学需求,不仅适合机械类本科学生使用,也可作为机械类研究生的教材,亦可供高职、高专等机械类专业的学生使用,《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材·机械工程专业英语:交流与沟通》也适合各种层次的希望提高在机械专业领域内进行跨国界交流与沟通能力的人士的需求。

机械工程专业英语-交流与沟通 目录

prefacepart 1 introduction to mechanical engineering objective 1.1 introduction 1.1.1 what is engineering? 1.1.2 main branches of engineering 1.2 mechanical engineering 1.3 common traits of good engineers 1.4 what is a machine? 1.5 how to describe a machine7 1.5.1 engineering drawings 1.5.2 drafting standards 1.5.3 views 1.5.4 working drawings 1.5.5 feature-based 3d models 1.6 the design process 1.6. 1 introduction to design process 1.6. 2 problem definition 1.6. 3 conceptualization 1.6. 4 preliminary design 1.6. 5 detailed design 1.6. 6 final design presentation 1.6. 7 product prototyping 1.7 modem machine design challenges 1.7. 1 mechatronics 1.7. 2 the impact of digital technology on machine design 1.8 design case study 1.8. 1 introduction 1.8.2 design motivation 1.8.3 market research 1.8.4 conceptualization and preliminary design 1.8. 5 detailed design assignmentspart 2 machine elements and mechanisms objective 2. 1 introduction 2. 2 fastenings 2. 2. 1 introduction 2. 2. 2 thread terminology 2. 2. 3 thread forms 2. 2. 4 power screws 2. 2.5 bolts, studs, nuts and washers 2. 2. 6 alternative screw heads and end points 2. 2. 7 selection of screwed fasteners 2. 2. 8 systems for specifying the dimensions of screws 2. 2. 9 applications of screwed fasteners 2. 3 keys and pins 2. 3. 1 keys 2. 3.2 pins 2. 4 riveted joints 2. 5 welded joints 2. 6 springs 2. 7 bearings 2. 7.1 bearing classification 2. 7.2 bearing type selection 2. 8 clutches and brakes 2. 9 shafts and couplings 2. 9. 1 introduction 2. 9. 2 shaft-hub connection 2. 9. 3 shaft-shaft connection--couplings 2. 10 belts and chains 2. 10. 1 introduction 2. 10. 2 belt drives 2. 10. 3 chain drives 2. 11 gears 2. 11.1 introduction 2. 11.2 gear classification 2. 11.3 gear chains application assignmentspart 3 communication skills in mechanical engineering objective 3.1 background of cross-cultural communication 3.2 cross-cultural communication for mechanical engineers 3.2.1 challenges for mechanical engineers 3.2.2 challenges for students 3.2.3 technical communication skills for mechanical engineers 3.3 problem finding 3.4 written technical reports 3.4.1 lab reports 3.4.2 project reports 3.5 oral reports 3.6 slide presentation of technical material 3.7 case study 3.7.1 comprehensive training 3.7.2 a case study of slide presentations assignmentspart 4 how to write a scientific paper objective 4. 1 introduction 4. 2 what is a scientific paper? 4. 3 why write scientific papers? 4. 4 the general structure of a scientific paper 4. 4. 1 general style 4. 4. 2 before writing a first draft 4. 4. 3 section headings and subheadings 4. 5 title, authors' names, and institutional affiliations 4. 5.1 title 4. 5.2 authorship 4. 5.3 format of chinese names 4. 6 abstract 4. 7 keywords 4. 8 introduction section 4. 9 methods and materials section 4. 10 results section 4. 11 discussion section 4. 12 acknowledgments 4. 13 literature cited or references 4. 14 appendices 4. 15 figures, tables and equations 4. 16 case study assignmentspart 5 advanced manufacturing technology objective 5.1 introduction 5.2 advanced manufacturing systems 5.2.1 flexible manufacturing system 5.2.2 virtual manufacturing system 5.2.3 computer-integrated manufacturing system 5.2.4 reconfigurable manufacturing system 5.2.5 grid manufacturing 5.3 advanced manufacturing process 5.3.1 new forging techniques 5.3.2 rapid prototyping manufacturing 5.3.3 high energy density beam processing technology 5.3.4 electrochemical machining 5.3.5 dry machining 5.4 advanced manufacturing management 5.4. 1 manufacturing resource planning 5.4. 2 supply chain management 5.4. 3 lean production 5.4. 4 agile manufacturing 5.4. 5 concurrent engineering 5.4. 6 just-in-time assignmentsreferences