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大学体验英语听说教程-1-第三版-(附自学光盘) 版权信息

大学体验英语听说教程-1-第三版-(附自学光盘) 本书特色


大学体验英语听说教程-1-第三版-(附自学光盘) 内容简介

《“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材·大学体验英语:听说教程(1)(第3版)》注重实用表达能力的培养:在语言基础训练中加大听力和口语的学习内容,加强实用阅读、实用会话、实用写作的训练,培养学习者英语综合运用能力和在涉外交际中的实用表达能力。  《“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材·大学体验英语:听说教程(1)(第3版)》注重教材的可操练性:选文短小精悍,生动有趣,便于听、说、读、写、译的训练;练习设计层层深入,通过训练达到学懂、会用的教学目的。  强调以人为本,突出“个性化”学习:注重课堂教学与课外自主学习相结合,注重学习者在整个学习过程中自主学习的引导,强调学习者在体验语言的立体化环境中获得语言知识。

大学体验英语听说教程-1-第三版-(附自学光盘) 目录

UNIT 1 Greetings \"How's it going?\"Warm Up: GreetingsListening Task: Greetings in different situationsReal World Listening: Tomas starts a new semesterInteractive Practice: Video 1 First day of university / Video 2 A telephone callInteraction Link: Meet Your ClassmatesUNIT 2 Home \"It's a great place.\"Warm Up: Rooms and furnitureListening Task: Talking about houses and apartmentsReal World Listening: Tim and Ronda look for an apartmentInteractive Practice: Video 1 New apartment / Video 2 Newlyweds lookingfor a flatInteraction Link: A New Place to LiveUNIT 3 Clothing \"That looks good on you!\"Warm Up: Clothing and colorsListening Task: Opinions about clothingReal World Listenmg: Jenny talks about fashionInteractive Practice:-Video 1 Girls' talk: What to wear / Video 2 Girls' talk:What to takeInteraction Link: Cool or Weird? UNIT 4 Nationalities \"Where are you from?\"Warm Up: Countries and nationalitiesListening Task: Questions about cities and countriesReal World Listening:Rachel sees the sights in LondonInteractive Practice: Video 1 International-travel: Where to go /Video 2 Prepare for international travelInteraction Link: Where's It from? UNIT 5 People \"Do vou know who that is?\"Warm Up: Physical appearance and personalityListening Task: Questions about peopleReal World Listening: People BingoInteractive Practice: Video 1 You're beautiful inside out / Video 2 Cheer up! Interaction Link: Casting CallReview Unit 1(UNITS 1-5)UNIT 6 Family \"What a nice familvl\"Warm Up: Kinship termsListening Task: Talking about family membersReal World Listening: \"World Encounters\" with Eva StoneInteractive Practice:-Video 1 Jane and Phil chatting about family /Video 2 Phil and Tina chatting about familyInteraction Link: What Is Your Family Like. UNIT 7 Directions \"How do I get there?\"Warm Up: DirectionsListening Task: Asking for directionsReal World Listening: Lisa and her friend visit San FranciscoInteractive Practice: Video 1 Visiting San Francisco / Video 2 DirectionsInteraction Link: Where Is It? UNIT 8 Jobs \"What kind of work do you do?\"Warm Up: JobsListening Task: Talking about jobsReal World Listening:Aptitude test . Interactive Practice: Video 1 Bob and Dr. Wang chatting about teachingjob / Video 2 Jane and Dan chatting about part-time jobInteraction Link: Get a JobUNIT 9 Schedules \"I'm really busy these days.\"Warm Up: Activities and days of the weekListening Task: Talking about activitiesReal World Listening: Celia s busy scheduleInteractive Practice: Video 1 Phil and Jane talking on telephone /Video 2 Jane and Cindy talking on telephoneinteraction Link: What Do You Do? UNIT 10 Travel \"It was a fantastic trip!\"Warm Up: TransportationListening Task: Talking about vacationsReal World Listening: Jason Lewis's round-the-world journeyInteractive Practice: Video 1 Jack and Marry talking about holidayVideo 2 Mary and Jack talking about a weekend tripinteraction Link: Take a Trip! Review Unit 2(UNITS 6-10)UNIT 11 Money \"Where does it all go?\"Warm Up: Spending and savingListening Task: Talking abou! budgetsReal World Listening: Sarah's spending habitsInteractive Practice: Video 1 I m on diet / Video 2 How to give a tip in a restaurantinteraction Link: Saving and SpendingUNIT 12 Free Time \"What do you want to do?\"Warm Up: Leisure activitiesListening Task: InvitationsReal World Listening: Hanging out with Sofia, Kaitlin, and EmiInteractive Practice: Video 1 Work and play: Taking a break /Video 2 Do something for a changeinteraction Link: Weekend FunUNIT 13 Food \"She makes the best pasta!\"Warm Up: FoodListening Task: Talking about food preferencesReal World Listenina: CooKing with EnricoInteractive Practice: Video 1 Can I take your order / video 2 What kindof food do you like? Interaction Link: Food HabitsUNIT 14 Health \"How are you feeling?\"Warm Up:Asking how people feelListening. !asK~ lalkingaDout, pain ano iJmessReal World Listening: Dr. Helen Monroe at the student nealth clinicInteractive Practice: Video 1 Seeinga doctor: Are you feeling any better? /Video 2 What s the matter with you? Interaction Link: What Do You Take for That? UNIT 15 City Life \"I love it here.\"Warm Up: The good and bad of city lifeListening Task: Talking about citiesReal World Listening: Exchange students talk about their host citiesinteractive Practice: Video 1 Return from a trip: What did you do? /Video 2 How do you think about it? Interaction Link: The Best City forReview Unit 3(UNITS 11-15)Self-Study PagesSelf-Study Pages Answer KeyNew Words and Expressions

大学体验英语听说教程-1-第三版-(附自学光盘) 节选

