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Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction

Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction

开本: 其它 页数: 321
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Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562529033
  • 条形码:9787562529033 ; 978-7-5625-2903-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction 本书特色

This course has been compiled by the lithology and fluid prediction to document the current understanding of diagenesis and the way it affects reservoir quality. It summarizes the results of in-house research, external work and information from scientific publications. Our aim is to make what is known about diagenesis and reservoir quality prediction easi- ly accessible to you and to help you apply this information during exploration appraisal and production. Thus, a straightforward and jargon-free style has been adopted and necessary. Specialist terms are explained in the glossary at the end of this overview.

Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction 内容简介

  this book 1s meant to serve as a textbook for university students, aiming at the scientific un-derstanding of diagenesis and reservoir quality prediction, which mainly covers the majors of petro-leum exploration and petroleum engineering. we thank many postgraduate students, such as danliu, qian li, peijun li, rui guo, mingzhu lei and ao su, for their drawing all the figures in thetextbook. china university of geosciences (wuhan) provides the funding for the publication of thisbook.

Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction 目录

chapter 1 introduction
 1.1 overview
 1.2 glossary
 1.3 abbreviations
chapter 2 tools and techniques
 2.1 at what stage o{ exploration or production can the tools be applied?
 2.2 how reliable are the tools?
 2.3 further reading
chapter 3 diagenesis of clastic and carbonate rocks
 3.1 introduction
 3.2 clastic diagenesis
 3.3 carbonate diagenesis
chapter 4 rock mechanics related to reservoir
 4.1 underground stresses
 4.2 pore pressure